Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Raul feels himself floating, and air rushing past him in droves. He hears those thumps again. Loud this time, and almost franatic. He feels something hit his belly as the thumps continue to go forth. His mind drifts as his body deals with the pain of his wounds. Wait, pain? He can feel pain. Isn’t he a ghost? He was dead, right? This was the afterlife. Though it didn’t feel like an afterlife. The pain in his stomach definitely didn’t feel like something a ghost would experience. Slowly, the darkness takes him again.

Although he can feel the darkness, there’s still something in him… something that is not darkness. He can fight it off, he can, he will fight it off. Soon, he feels the darkness fading from himself. He wakes up

He is in a apartment. Someone is cooking.

He doesn’t have his mask on, where is he? Is this the afterlife? He stands up and looks around. What does he see?

A room. A generic room. It appears to be a girl’s room. Or rather, feels like a girl’s room.

He walks around, he looks at the person cooking. He feels his injuries from the fight somehow, is it real life after all?


The young woman looks familiar.

“Glad you’re up. Thought I lost you for a moment.”

Mabel smiles as she continues cooking.

Raul looks confused

“Ma-Mabel…? Whe-where am I?..”

“My apartment.”

“Don’t worry I made sure no one spotted us.”

Raul sits down, and looks even more confused now.

"You-Your apartment? How did you…? I was attacked by a pack of creatures…?

“The wolves are dead. Your welcome.”

Raul walks up to Mabel

“How did you kill them…?, they were mutated creatures. Even bullets didn’t work on them…”

“The strength of five men was with me.”

She smiles.

“Having godly armour also helps.”

Raul sits at the kitchen table and sighs of relief.

“I thought you escaped, I held back the wolves for ya. Let me guess, a new ability?”

“Yes. And I did escape.”

there are knocks on her door

“Well I sure am hungry”

Raul seems interested

“Tell me, What happened?”

the knocking gets louder

“Hold up. Stay hidden.”

She opens the door a crack.

Raul walks to the bedroom and starts searching for his suit and card