Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

uhh… would you believe me if i said i was helping?

he looks dipleased no I would not

(can we say your normal punishment is grounding/not letting me help people grieve? because i feel that should be a good motivator for Marcus)

(but I already grounded him for the whole upburying someone)

(well you didnt say that as far as i know and i need it for some good development/forming of team)

are you still not grounded?

(fade please that was my motivation for revealing the card)

(please what?)

(can we just say that you were going to ground me then didnt cause zombies)

(fine) listen if your not gonna help us go inside (@Damafaud also whats the fighting in front of the house?)

panicks wait, no-n-no!
W-what if i said that i had proof i was trying to help?


uh, i had it here somewhere
searches pockets frantically
i hadnt wanted to tell you about this yet, but if those are freaking zombies i feel like its worth it
shows G the card (Cal is in the background cough)

snatchs the card out of him and looks at it

(haha, my master plan, all of my abilities arent violent in any way!)

(expect now you can never get it back)

(really? even after Marcus explains all the help he did for the spirits?)

(Yep not such a good masterplan)

(anyways) tries to get card back, to only let him look at it not hold onto it

uses his height it out of his reach