Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Golden Silence

Blue Dragon Investigative
Passive: Balence - Every post you make gives you a use of Silent treatment

Night Ability: Silent treatment - If this abilitie has 10 or less uses then learn target players class. Otherwise remove all uses of this ability (11 uses)

goal: Blue Dragon wins



Converted from 342

Silver ducktape

Unseen Social

Night Ability: Gag - For the rest of the game target player loses a use of all their limited use abilities when ever they post (Posts only containing a vote don’t count). If they have no limited use abilities or those abilities have no uses then their unlimited use abilities are turned into 8 use abilities on their next post. (3 uses)
Goal: Defeat the other factions

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Neutral Special
Passive: If you would be converted for any reason you are instead converted into the class you were before this one (Not applicable on starting Exponent)

Night Ability: Iterate - Convert target player into an Exponent. Bypasses conversion immunity. Will not consume a use if you fail or if the target is an Exponent (3 uses)
Goal: End the game with no uses of Iterate




Murican :hammer: :brick: :bacon: :hamburger: :boom: :gun: :beers: :us:

Neutral Offensive

Get deported m8! (Night) - Choose player. They will be deported from the game. (Infinite Uses)

God bless America! (Day) - Blow three people up with a bazooka, a couple grenades, and a shit ton of guns while completely plastered. Bypasses all immunity. Two dead people are randomly selected, and the last one you can choose. If you hit a scum with this ability, it counts as two deports. Otherwise you get jack shit for doing this besides knowing you did it for your country. (1 use)

Successfully deport at least 4 players or Mexican.

Fixed it for you.




Blue Dragon Social

BD Citizen but cannot accuse any players.

@Nerbins you need to put class cards and numbers with your posts


Scum Vote Ashe

Neutral Social
Scum Vote Ashe (Day) - When you use this ability, you must say the phrase “scum vote ashe” in chat at the same time. If successfully used, all non-BD players in the game will vote Ashe if they are present in the game. Otherwise, the ability has no effect. - 1 use
Your objective is to troll the game epic style :sunglasses: (use your ability)



Ultimate sheep

:sheep: (Passive) - At the beginning of the game, choose a player. You must always accuse the same players your target accuses for the rest of the game. If they die, you die as well.



Pretender, but Unseen aligned (has their wincon). If Pretender has not yet been added, reroll this slot and yell at Ashe :^)

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NK except every time you kill someone it gets faster

Neutral Killer
Generic Protection (Passive) - Immune to death at night.
Kill (Night) - Kill a player. If successful, both the day and night phase are shortened by an hour. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult, any other faction, and any neutrals that would seek to do you harm, or cause a paradox by somehow shortening both phases to 0 hours.



Class Name

Faction Name Type Name
Passive 1 Name (Passive) - Passive 1 Description.
Passive 2 Name (Passive) - Passive 2 Description.
Day Ability 1 Name (Day) - Day Ability 1 Description. - Day Ability 1 Uses
Day Ability 2 Name (Day) - Day Ability 2 Description. - Day Ability 2 Uses
Night Ability 1 Name (Night) - Night Ability 1 Description. - Night Ability 1 Uses
Night Ability 2 Name (Night) - Night Ability 2 Description. - Night Ability 2 Uses
Your objective is to Win Condition.



Leap of faith

Renamed 425

Shouldn’t 351 win if EITHER phase is reduced to 0 instead of both?

Otherwise you can have the night phase last -1 hours



The Rationalizer

Blue Dragon Special
Paranoia (Passive) - When you die, you will flip as a Litizen (named neutral Citizen with the goal to survive). If you or anyone else claims your class at any point in the game, you will be modkilled.
Rationalize (Night) - Smack some sense into a player. They will become a member of the Blue Dragon if they are not one already. Their class will stay the same, they will not be removed from any factional chats they are in, their faction will not be notified if they have one, and you will not know if this ability succeeded or not. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen, Cult or any other appearing scum faction, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

If they reduced the night phase length to 0 hours, they wouldn’t be able to use their Kill anymore, so unless the phase lengths are the same or night is longer than day at the start of the game, they’ll never get that win condition :^)


Dreaming God

The host must generate a list of 16 different night abilities that passively affect everybody in the game, but may only be used once each. Each ability must be given a different flavor name that provides some slight hint as to what it does. You are only told the flavor names of each ability, not what they do. Each night you must compulsively use one of your night abilities. You may not be voted or targeted by any abilities. You automatically win the game.
Example Abilities:
Death’s Sweet Embrace - All players will communicate in the dead chat at night.
Telephone - All players may communicate privately.
Juice - Any fruit-related players or roles will be modkilled.

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Neutral Social
Paranoia (Passive) - When you die, you will flip as a Litizen (named neutral Citizen with the goal to survive). If you claim your class at any point in the game, you will be modkilled.
Paranoia+ (Passive) - If you claim that you are the Rationalizer, you will also be modkilled.
Your objective is to claim either your own class, or The Rationalizer.

You’re meant to only post with a class card so I’ma delete that now that they’re fixed :^)



Modshield (334)



Neutral Social
Useless (Passive) - You have no abilities.
Your objective is to survive.





