Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


George Washington :shield: :star:
American Special

Founding Father (Passive) - Your votes will secretly count as twice the normal amount. If you become the king, you will instead become the President.
General of the Continental Army (Passive) - Immune to death from non-American players. Immune to occupation and redirection.

Inspiration (Day) - Upon winning the battle of Saratoga, Britain’s enemies come to your aid! Add all non-British/American players to a private neighborhood chat until you die. Unusable until day 3. (1 Use)

Lead Forces (Night) - Convert targeted player into a Patriot. If they cannot be converted, they will be attacked. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the British, the Navy, and the Blue Dragon.

(If becoming the king)

President :crown:
American Special

Leader of the Armed Forces (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. If you die a vote will be held to decide the new King. Also, you are immune to death once, occupation, and redirection.
Diplomacy (Passive) - Once per game you can choose a faction or player. This faction or player will be able to win if you win regardless of their win condition.

Executive Order (Day) - Instantly execute target player. It will appear that Decide Fate was used on them. (1 Use)

Nuclear Option (Night) - Kill two players. This kill is guaranteed an cannot be stopped by any form of protection. (1 Use)
Air Force One (Night) - Make yourself and another player untargetable for the night. (3 Uses)

Defeat the British, the Navy, and the Blue Dragon.


The Lich King :crown:
Scourge Special

Helm of Dominion (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. Immune to death, occupation, redirection, and bleeding/poison. If you are attacked by Tirion Fordring, you will die. You will have a private neighborhood chat with all members of the Scourge.
There Must Always be a Lich King (Passive) - If you are executed, there will be a vote to decide the new king.

Frostmourne Hungers (Day) - Kill a player with Frostmourne. They will not flip, and instead become a member of the Scourge at the start of the night. (Infinite Uses, 2 Day Cooldown)
Summon Sindragosa (Day) - End the day instantly. If you would die from a lynch by using this ability, prevent it. You may also use this ability to decide the fate of a person on trial. (1 Use)

Army of the Dead (Night) - Revive 2 players into being members of the Scourge. You may not use Summon Sindragosa tomorrow. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all opposing factions and any Neutrals that would stand in your way


Neutral Social

Highrolling (Passive) - The host must use Discobot’s RTD function publicly, with a d# equivalent to however many players are alive. The person whose slot is rolled will be modkilled, wiping their flip and logs. This ability will only be enabled on odd days.
Rioting (Passive) - Instead of a trial, there will be an ITA phase; shots will have 15% accuracy. All shots sent toward you have 20% accuracy, and add an additional slot representing you for the purposes of Highrolling permanently. This passive will only be enabled on even days.

Crippling Gambling Addiction (Day) - Activate Highrolling regardless of what day it is. Double your current slots for the roll. (2 Uses)

You must die from the effects of highrolling.



Starting Invoker, and is given a regular Invoker card, but all abilities will be used on the Cult Leader.


Drunk but their posts must all be AtE. They are informed of this.

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Drunk, but musht shlur all of their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled.



Butler but is randomly assigned a contract at the beginning of the game. They are the same alignment as their contract, and have a mason chat with them.

If the contract dies, they will die as well.

Called: An Actual Butler

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Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE.

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Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well.


Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well. In adishun, they must post a mashive ash readlist by the und of the secund day or elsh they will die

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Drunk, but in fact sober. The targeting for Debautch is reversed.


Just Drunk

You sadists


Truly, we are creating an abomination.


Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well. In adishun, they must posht a mashive ash readlisht by the end of the shecund day or elsh they will die. The firsht pershon they vishit will alsho have to shlur their wordsh, hic and only ushe AtE or elsh they will die.

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I pity the person who has to play this

Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well. In adishun, they must post a mashive ash readlist by the und of the secund day or elsh they will die. The firsht pershon they vishit will alsho have to shlur their wordsh, hic and only ushe AtE or elsh they will die. They musht also have hic psychotic breakdownsh periodically, due to the alcohol.

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Scorned that must see any kind of Drunk lynched. Can only spawn if a Drunk spawns.

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Slumped shoulders, wild eyes, and a stumbling gait - this one is no more good to us.

Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well. In adishun, they must post a mashive ash readlist by the und of the secund day or elsh they will die. The firsht pershon they vishit will alsho have to shlur their wordsh, hic and only ushe AtE or elsh they will die. They musht also have hic psychotic breakdownsh periodically, due to the alcohol. They have a 50 pershent chanshe of vishiting a random pershon, becaushe they cannot shee where they are going.

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The Prohibition,

Reaper with extra alternate win condition of all Drunks in the game being dead. Reaped Drunks do not grant a soul.


Post 793

Mafia Citizen

Mafia that is in fact Blue Dragon but is in Mafia. Reroll if there is no Mafia in game.

Guys, i hope you’re aware of nobody would even try to talk when they roll any of Drunks with post restriction.



Drunk, but musht shlur all their wordsh and periodically hic or elsh they are hic modkilled. They musht only ushe AtE. They will alsho randomly be asshigned a contract at the beginning of the game, who ish of the shame alignment, and have a mashon chat with them. If their contract diesh, they will die ash well. In adishun, they must post a mashive ash readlist by the und of the secund day or elsh they will die. The firsht pershon they vishit will alsho have to shlur their wordsh, hic and only ushe AtE or elsh they will die. They musht also have hic psychotic breakdownsh periodically, due to the alcohol. They have a 50 pershent chanshe of vishiting a random pershon, becaushe they cannot shee where they are going. They are immune to death at night, ash the evilsh pity this poor soul hic

It is finished.

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Therapist but they cure players who visit them from post restrictions for the rest of the game.