Post 820
Blue Dragon Support
Veteran Players (Passive) - If Shurian, Monkke, Damafaud, Cheesyknives, or Whammerist is in the game, you can use Character Sheet on them any time without consuming the use.
Reborn (Passive) - If you die by any means, the first player you used Character Sheet on becomes the new Storyteller.
Character Sheet (Day) - Allows the target to create a Character Sheet including a name, personality, appearance, short biography, skills, and virtues and vices. The target’s rolecard will change depending on their CS the following night. You will have their CS. [3 uses]
…And They Live Happily Ever After (Day) - Ensure tonight’s Story Time! has a positive effect on the players. [3 uses]
Story Time! (Night) - Craft a story involving the players that own a Character Sheet. The effect of this ability depends on the story you tell. [Infinite uses]
Game Master’s Will (Night) - Alter something in a target’s Character Sheet. The change will take effect on the following night. [3 uses]
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Depressed Storyteller
Unseen Support
Veteran Players (Passive) - If Shurian, Monkke, Damafaud, Cheesyknives, or Whammerist is in the game, you can use Character Sheet on them any time without consuming the use.
GM Alteration (Passive) - As long as you are alive, the Mastermind and Assassin will never die.
Character Sheet (Day) - Allows the target to create a Character Sheet including a name, personality, appearance, short biography, skills, and virtues and vices. The target’s rolecard will change depending on their CS the following night. You will have their CS. [3 uses]
Game Master’s Will (Day) - Alter something in a target’s Character Sheet. The change will take effect on the following night. [3 uses]
Story Time! (Night) - Craft a story involving the players that own a Character Sheet. The effect of this ability depends on the story you tell. [Infinite uses]
…And The Wolf Ate Her Whole (Night) - In tomorrow’s trial, votes will be hidden. Only Unseen and those possessing a Character Sheet will have a valid vote. [1 use]
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.