Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

The following were inspired by @Jazz and her FM game.


Town Short Fuse

Town Killer

Controlled Chaos (Passive) - If a target is killed whilst holding a detonator, including yourself, that detonator is passed back to the next available person above you in the player list. If a detonator’s target is killed, the next available person below them becomes the detonator target.
Volatile & Versatile (Passive) - You can use both Day actions in the same day. You start with a Detonator to the person below you in the player list.

Craft Detonator (Day) - Give target player a detonator, their target will be the person below them in the player list. They will not be notified. (Infinite Uses)
Uh oh… (Day) - Announce the presence of a Short Fuse to the town. Upon doing this, Craft Detonator is deactivated and all people that were given a detonator are notified that they have one, as well as their detonator target. To detonate, you must type /detonate and ping the host. You may only /detonate once per day. (1 Use)

Overtime (Night) - You can use Craft Detonator twice tomorrow. This does not prevent you from using Uh oh… (1 Use)
Town Wincon


Mafia Short Fuse

Mafia Killer

Controlled Chaos (Passive) - If a target is killed whilst holding a detonator, including yourself, that detonator is passed back to the next available person above you in the player list. If a detonator’s target is killed, the next available person below them becomes the detonator target.
Volatile & Versatile (Passive) - You can use both Day actions in the same day. You start with a Detonator to the person below you in the player list.

Craft Detonator (Day) - Give target player a detonator, their target will be the person below them in the player list. They will not be notified. (Infinite Uses)
Uh oh… (Day) - Announce the presence of a Short Fuse to the town. Upon doing this, Craft Detonator is deactivated and all people that were given a detonator are notified that they have one, as well as their detonator target. To detonate, you must type /detonate and ping the host. You may only /detonate once per day. (1 Use)

Overtime (Night) - You can use Craft Detonator twice tomorrow. This does not prevent you from using Uh oh… (1 Use)
Mafia Wincon



Psychopatic Short Fuse
Neutral Killer

Controlled Chaos (Passive) - If a target is killed whilst holding a detonator, including yourself, that detonator is passed back to the next available person above you in the player list. If a detonator’s target is killed, the next available person below them becomes the detonator target.
Volatile & Versatile (Passive) - You can use both Day actions in the same day. You start with a Detonator to the person below you in the player list. Every second explosion in a day will backfire. This effect will not apply to you however. You are also immune to death at night.

Craft Detonator (Day) - Give target player a detonator, their target will be the person below them in the player list. They will not be notified. (Infinite Uses)
Uh oh… (Day) - Announce the presence of a Short Fuse to the town. Upon doing this, Craft Detonator is deactivated and all people that were given a detonator are notified that they have one, as well as their detonator target. To detonate, you must type >/detonate and ping the host. You may only /detonate once per day. (2 Use)

Overtime (Night) - You can use Craft Detonator twice tomorrow. This does not prevent you from using Uh oh… (3 Use)

Be in the last two players alive or live to see all members of the main factions defeated.

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Smash Killer
Part Kid, Part Squid (Passive) - You have two forms: Kid Form and Squid Form. In Kid Form, you can attack players, but you cannot hide from attacks. In Squid Form, you can hide from attacks, but you cannot attack players. You start in Kid Form.
Ink it Up (Day) - Cover an enemy in ink preventing them from being protected from other players and death immunity if they have it. - 2 uses
Killer Wail (Night) - Attack a player. - Infinite uses
Transform (Night) - Change your form. - Infinite uses
Defeat the good faction and any neutrals that stand in your way

Side note:If a member of the Smash faction rolls, then there must be at least one Killer on the team

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Conflicted Townie

Town/Mafia Special

Your win condition switches depending on the day/night cycle. Each odd day/even night cycle, you are aligned with Town and will flip as a Vanilla Townie. Each even day/odd night cycle, you are aligned with the Mafia and will flip as a Mafia Goon. Otherwise, you have no abilities, except your vote.
Determinant Town/Mafia wincon

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The Supernatural

Neutral Killer

Otherworldly (Passive) - Immune to bleeding/poison/similar and death at night.
Omnipresence (Passive, unlocks after Night 3) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Bearer’s Soul: Target (Day) - Target a player’s soul for capture. [Infinite Uses]
Fires of Kane: Ignite (Day) - Ignite all players targeted by Fires of Kane: Douse, killing them at the end of the day. [Infinite Uses]

Bearer’s Soul: Capture (Night) - Capture the souls of all players targeted by Bearer’s Soul: Target, killing them. This does not count as a visit. [Infinite Uses]
Fires of Kane: Douse (Night) - Douse a player in ethereal gases. [Infinite Uses]

Kill everyone that would oppose you.

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This slot cannot be rolled with any other DK.

S-Tier Donkey Kong
Dong Special

Rampaging Reflexive (Passive) - Same as normal DK but whenever a player visits you they are converted, regardless of cooldown or faction cap. Whenever YOU target a player for conversion, you will also convert all their visitors.


Smash Offensive

Nanomachines (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. When all other Smash Characters are dead, all of your abilities will be upgraded for the rest of the game. When upgraded you will be not suspicious to investigative results.
Otacon (Passive) - You will learn the factions that are present in the game at the start of d3.

Stinger Missile (Day) - Kill a player in broad daylight, bypassing immunities. When upgraded this is silent and has unlimited uses. (1 Use)
Cardboard Box (Day) - Make a player believe they are jailed tonight. They can still be visited and can visit. When upgraded they are actually jailed. (2 Uses)

CQC (Night) - Occupy a player. When upgraded this also kills the target. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all threats to your domination.

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Isolated Townie

Town Social

You cannot post consecutively. Otherwise, you have no abilities, except your vote.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.



Town Investigative

Twice per game, you may set up a camera in someone’s room at night, revealing their visitors to you for as long as the camera still functions. Once your target has been visited, the camera will break and will no longer show you visitors to that target’s room.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.


The Planterror

Forum Member Offensive
Village Idiot (Passive) - Will always be the target of occupations. Immune to occupation.
Plant Hybrid (Passive) - Will swap between Plant form and Human form every 2 nights. In Plant form Thorny Wall bypasses immunity. In Human form you are no longer occupy immune.
Tentacle Slap (Day) - Force a player to use their day ability on you. - 2 uses
Thorny Wall (Night) - Occupy all players visiting a person. - 3 uses
Confusion (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to survive in at least one forum game


Geyde :star:
Forum Member Social

Backup TL (Passive) - If Marl/FK/Math are dead, you will be modconfirmed as Geyde and your votes will count as two. In addition, you must lead BD for the rest of the game, or else you will be modkilled.
Terrible Ideas (Passive) - Player receives increased feedback.

Scumslip (Day) - Say something idiotic to a player. Only you and the target will be able to be voted for the rest of the day, and votes for you will secretly count as double. (1 Use, only usable on d2/d3, and MUST be used on those days)

CS Neut Claim (Night) - Kill a random player. If they are BD-aligned you will die. (Infinite Uses)
No Johns (Night) - Force a player to target you with their abilities, bypassing redirection immunity. You will be immune to attacks and conversion from your target. (2 Uses)

Mislynch Marl or defeat all scum factions + NK


Forum Member Special

Pure Salt (Passive) - You must always use AtE or else you will be modkilled. Additionally, you are immune to occupation and redirection because you don’t give a fuck about what others do. If anyone mentions how salty you are then they will be killed at the end of the night.
Spiteful (Passive) - Anyone who votes or accuses you in any way gains the Spited status.
Shitty Memes (Day) - At the end of the day, you will learn the alignment of anyone who likes the next 3 memes you post. [2 Uses]
Chainsaw Defense (Night) - If you used a chainsaw defense today, then you may kill all visitors to your target. If you use this on yourself then you will be immune to death as well. [3 Uses]
VENGEANCE SHALL BE MINE (Night) - Occupy a player with the Spited status for 2 nights. This will not add ticks to occupation/redirection immunity. [Infinite, 1 night cooldown]
Your goal is to get at least 10 likes on a meme or to defeat all of the scum factions and any neutrals who stand in your way.



Town Special
Broken Clock (Passive) - You cannot be killed by anything, ever, with the exception of modkills, nothing can bypass this immunity
Town Wincon


BlueStorm :shield:

Forum Member Special

Level 0 Town (Passive) - Each night, you will receive a vision stating that at least one of three players opposes your primary end goal. You must deathtunnel one of these people the next day or else you will be modkilled. If you lynch a scum faction member this way, this passive is disabled until you lynch a player you can win with.

Forbidden Gambit (Day) - Silently dayvig a player that claims to have used a gambit today. [2 Uses]

Nooble (Night) - Sponsor a player, making their vote count as double for the next day. If you target a non-Neutral, this ability will fail. [3 Uses]
Deep Regret (Night) - Revive a non-scum player that you have voted to lynch. This cannot be occupied or redirected. [1 Use]
Your goal is to gain a custom Forum title (if you do not already have one) or to defeat all of the scum factions and any neutrals who stand in your way.



Forum Member Support
Looking for Work (Passive) - If your original target dies, you have 3 days to find another or you will die.
Failure (Passive) - If your original target and your new target die, you will commit suicide.
Offer Contract (Day) - You may form a contract with another player during the day (they will not be notified). You must do this for your first contract on day 1, or it will be randomised. - Infinite uses
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from visits, and grant yourself immunity to death tonight. - 4 uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill a player who accused your target of treason earlier in the day. - 1 use
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game, your target is [x].



Marluxion 2.0

Neutral Social
Hated (Passive) - You take 50% less votes (rounded up) to lynch. When you die your killer/hammerer will take 1 more vote to lynch. If you are lynched then there will be no lynch tomorrow.
THE BIG GEY (Passive) - You must always interrupt other people’s train of thought if possible and derail as many conversations as possible in the most attention grabbing way possible using small text only. Refusal to comply will result in a mod kill.
Ha ha it me murl, the meme wrecker (Day) - Only you and your target may be voted today. You must use this every day you can or else you will be be modkilled. [2 Uses]
Give caaat pic or ban (Day) - Force a player to post a cat picture or they will be mod killed. It cannot be a cat picture that has been posted already. [Infinite[
Your goal is to survive until day 4 or to get 5 different players to post cat pictures.

(an actually possible win con)

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Post 820


Blue Dragon Support
Veteran Players (Passive) - If Shurian, Monkke, Damafaud, Cheesyknives, or Whammerist is in the game, you can use Character Sheet on them any time without consuming the use.
Reborn (Passive) - If you die by any means, the first player you used Character Sheet on becomes the new Storyteller.

Character Sheet (Day) - Allows the target to create a Character Sheet including a name, personality, appearance, short biography, skills, and virtues and vices. The target’s rolecard will change depending on their CS the following night. You will have their CS. [3 uses]
…And They Live Happily Ever After (Day) - Ensure tonight’s Story Time! has a positive effect on the players. [3 uses]

Story Time! (Night) - Craft a story involving the players that own a Character Sheet. The effect of this ability depends on the story you tell. [Infinite uses]
Game Master’s Will (Night) - Alter something in a target’s Character Sheet. The change will take effect on the following night. [3 uses]
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Depressed Storyteller

Unseen Support
Veteran Players (Passive) - If Shurian, Monkke, Damafaud, Cheesyknives, or Whammerist is in the game, you can use Character Sheet on them any time without consuming the use.
GM Alteration (Passive) - As long as you are alive, the Mastermind and Assassin will never die.

Character Sheet (Day) - Allows the target to create a Character Sheet including a name, personality, appearance, short biography, skills, and virtues and vices. The target’s rolecard will change depending on their CS the following night. You will have their CS. [3 uses]
Game Master’s Will (Day) - Alter something in a target’s Character Sheet. The change will take effect on the following night. [3 uses]

Story Time! (Night) - Craft a story involving the players that own a Character Sheet. The effect of this ability depends on the story you tell. [Infinite uses]
…And The Wolf Ate Her Whole (Night) - In tomorrow’s trial, votes will be hidden. Only Unseen and those possessing a Character Sheet will have a valid vote. [1 use]
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Post 821

Katie Cat

Blue Dragon Special
“…Dama, this isn’t an RP. Why am I here?”

I’m Wasting My Lives in This Game (Passive) - You have three remaining lives. If you are killed during the night, you will revive the following night. If you are killed during the day, you will revive the following day. You do not have access to dead chat. “Wait, yes I do.”
Access to Everything (Passive) “On a second thought that will be boring.”
Bored (Passive) - If visited by a member of informed minority or a Neutral, you will change your goal to win with said faction. You will have a neighbourhood chat with the member that visits you.

Gigantic Plasma Mana-Supplied Enigma Class Cannon (Day) - Summon a giant cannon. The cannon will be an eligible target for vote for treason. If the cannon gains majority vote, the cannon will be executed. If the cannon does not gain majority vote, you can choose two targets to shoot. They will bleed and die in a day. [2 uses] “Inferior humans. Bow to my cannon.”
Fresh Fish and Soy Milk Diet (Day) - Give a player a Fresh Fish and Soy Milk. Tonight, if he is visited, the Fresh Fish will move to the visitor. If he visits, the Soy Milk will move to the visited. [Infinite uses, one Fresh Fish and Soy Milk at any time] “I’m lactose intolerant.”

Lunar Blessing (Night) - Tonight, no one will be able to be redirected or occupied. [3 uses]
Give Me Something! (Night) - Visit a player. If he possesses Soy Milk, they will be occupied for two nights. If he possesses Fresh Fish, he can use both of his night abilities and day abilities for one cycle. The Soy Milk overrides Lunar Blessing. [Infinite uses]
“I’m pro-BD, but only until someone offers me a good alternative.”

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Freddie Freaker :shield:

Neutral Special
1900-490-FREAK (Passive) - At all times. You will know who has the Party Freak. Any player with the party freak will gain incorrect feedback from their ability results. You have the party freak at all times.
$2 a Call (Passive) - If you are attacked. One player will lose their party freak status in order to heal you.
It’s the Freak Phone (Day) - If target player with the Party Freak dies tonight. Redirect their Party Freak to target player without the Party Freak. - 2 uses
Call Now (Day) - Kill targeted player with the Party Freak tonight. While doing this you will appear suspicious to all Investigations. This attack is unhealable. If the kill is successful you will gain one use on all limited use abilities except this one. - 1 use
Here’s the Party Freak (Night) - Give somebody the Party Freak - Infinite uses
What’s happenin’, What’s jammin (Night) - Target two players who have the party freak. You may see who they visit and who visited them tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to grab on the nation, do the freak long enough to give every living player the party freak or survive to see all Good Factions lose.



Padding is active at the start of the game.