Harry Potter FM - Signups [17/17]

seems in character for him


He should arrive in 7-10 business days


Hit! Light was the. . .


Scumsided Neutral

Passive: Host - wait how are you reading his

Passive: wtf - how did I die bro

Game cancelled host got shot

host dead

WYM is at like 4/16 or whatever

This’ll probably start within the next couple days

The start time will probably be like 12:30 or something because I now have to work around both school and work, both of which I didn’t have when I made the setup

Hit! Light was…

The :b:rince

:b:lue Dragon Killer
Unsto :b: :b:able (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection at night. You must use :b: in every one of your posts or you will become class 722 but it has to compulsively use execute.
Im :b:rison (Day) - At the start of the night, jail a player. You and them may send one 1000 character message to each other. If one of the messages is missing a :b:, you will compulsively execute that player. Your jailee will know the :b:rince jailed them.
Apply :b:rison (Night) - Choose one of the following effects to apply to your jailee

  • :b:ehead - Kill your jailee :b:ypassing everything as the strongest attack in the game. 3 uses, guiltless due to your e :b:ic gamer energy
  • :b:ercy - Heal your jailee. 2 uses
  • Check :b:apers - Learn the class type grouping of your jailee. 2 uses
  • :b:ertify - Grant your jailee Royal :b:lood. 2 uses
    Defeat all threats to the :b:lue Dragon



You dare question the :b:rince

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i will question the :b:rince all i desire
tro does what tro wants


Who dares pingus

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When will this start?

Rand already happened so I think it’s starting as soon as WYM is done with.

If all goes well, Sunday or Monday. Roles have been randed already. We’re just waiting for Watch Your Mouth to end so we don’t have too many games going at once.

informed spec chat when owo

rolecards when owo

oh hey tbe is a backup and a player can i do that too

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schrodingers elixir