Homestuck FM - Dead chat

like for example Apple wouldve showed up at multiple houses last night

Hmmm, yeah. I’d count redirectors as visitors since even with mind control, you’d still have to visit them to put them under mind control. Just like how ToS’s witch has to visit people in order to control them.

who are the scum here?

Appel and Simon I believe.

Watch Appel forget to vote in time.

Thanks for telling us you’re scum lol

I think everyone is aware that Alpel and Simon are both Groupscum now and I think that town has this unless some BS shenanigans ha ppl pen or wolves have really OP abilities.

Oh wait. 4x4 is bleeding, isn’t he? Well, Kyo will need to redirect the right person.

if we use abilities correctly

then scum win :^)

we may be able to make town bleed themselves while killing kyo :^)

if bleed is a day ability though

its bs lmao

and it probably is

ye we lost

If Kyo guesses wrong that is. If he guesses right and redirects the killer, scum won’t win.

we have a bus driver

Oh. That makes things a bit more difficult.

Whoopsies I redirected Simon to Appel
That’s a shame

(for the mafia)

kyo you are highkey the fucking GOAT ily

this game was good meme. my only regert is that game literally came down to if Appel or Kyo logged on first