Homestuck FM - Informed Spec Chat

she only did it because Jack was already omnipotent and stuff in her universe, so she knew if she didn’t cause Bec Noir to exist then the trolls would enter a Doomed Timeline. why bother stopping him when he’s already here? anyway, she wanted to be personally responsible for his creation so she could also be responsible for his demise.

when you realize that the safeclaims that scum got were a rolestopper, a retributionist, a JOAT and a loved
which are all self confirmable

tbf you could claim pretty much what ever you’d want for roxy what with the powers of a Rogue of Void being to materialise any object from thin air

umbral ultimatum is a good song

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toby fox made it
what were you expecting

is everything that fast paced in homestuck though

the music pages are

with some exceptions. some of them are just memes. but you know…

insulting yourself is bad and mean

holy shit internet in homestuck it takes half a minute just to load a page reeee

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…all 3 iterations are

i thought it was the ring that did that to him


all “sessions” have an iterations of Jack Noir
what powers they get and what they acheive vary
the baseline stat of “stabhappy genocidal maniac” doesn’t change

i just realized
apprentice is a Neutral Killer Killer

A2 Jack was vaguely helpful to Karkat?

he was still extremely stabhappy

not to mention his goal was to annihilate the BQ and thus the universe

okay so


all jacks are stabhappy omnicidal maniacs who seek nothing but destruction
but jack noir, driven mad by the ring of power is especially stabhappy, powerful and destructive, the only person they aren’t trying to murder being jade because of bec
is that correct

it’s still unclear how exactly A2 got that ability isn’t it

kinda not really?

not “driven mad by the ring of power”

more like “enabled to be stabhappy on the scale of universes by the ring”

I mean, A2 Black Queen/Snowman