Hydra Jailkeeper 9 - Town win!

…oh nvm yeah u newish but not new-new

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yeah i mean my gameplay surely is of a level of a veteran player :wink:

anyway, back on topic

very real and not randomly generated readlist


(Composite Materials) Townread
(Gamers) Null
(:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:) Null
(The ParagoNs of CloNNNNNNNNNes) Locktown
(Italia) Scumlean
(Society) Scumlean
(The Apex Legends) Townread
(Dangan Midgets) Scumread
(Solar Opposites) Scumlean

appropriately, randomness has determined that wazza is, yet again, my highest scumread

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Thank god

I don’t hate this list

I don’t agree with some of your townleans but I don’t hate this list.

one day a random.org readlist will solve the game

oh, i forgot to put the key in that dropdown


1 = Lockscum
2 = Scumread
3 = Scumlean
4 = Null
5 = Townlean
6 = Townread
7 = Locktown

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They literally said it was randomly generated???

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We are a scumlean possessed

I am disappoint in you

Yo did anyone get a Valorant beta key? I’m dying for access…I feel like an addict that needs his drug

What is that

Orange answer my question please

You chose to be partners with me. I always get scumread for stupid shit D1, usually by wolves who think I’m an easy push :face_with_monocle:

half of the list is below the null pile, including yourself

in a 9p, assuming no nightkills miss, it’s only 3MLs to win

7/2 > 5/2
5/2 > 3/2
3/2 is LyLo

this is SUPER tinfoil but i actually hate that you liked that list

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I’m not doing my job then ):

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I hate that you hate that you like my list

i hate you

I hate me, too! We have so much in common.

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You certainly aren’t! You’re supposed to balance my chaotic anger!

katze if you have a problem with my mason you have a problem with me

you aren’t invited to my birthday party anymore

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I am orangeandblack.
He is with me wherever I am.
His wise voice speaks through me.
I am the alpha and the omega.

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wait no take it back please

you’re locktown meow