[Interest Check] [SFM] Insurgency -- Treason in Jugdral: Fire Emblem 4 & 5 FM

Is there any idea of a timeline for this? I’m playing FE 4 right now so I’m trying to finish it first haha. Also, can we request characters since flavor talk is banned?

At the moment the game is like 60% done with it being pushed back on the queue as N is hosting something else atm. So u got til Mayish to finish. And even then the most spoilers will be character names and why theres a timeskip. You can request character if u so please, but just be warned that the cast is mostly solidified, other than like 1-2 characters

Flavour talk is banned because flavour will be 100% AI, so no.
We’ve already chosen all the characters that will be in-game.

if anyone wants to request any mechanics: this is your last chance since im pretty sure this game will enter the review phase within a week

Note that you may not ask for flavour

lol nope
turns out we have far less progress on this than i thought
i moved it down in the queue

I’d be down

flavour talk will not be banned
i realized that it would be hypocritical to do this as the biggest reason i chose to not play LotR FM (along with me being busy as shit then with marching band) was that flavour talk was banned.

we figured out a way to make everything a-okay with flavour talk being permissable as much as u want for the entire game, before we passed review

Also, we’re not doing pre-ins, pre-backups, or pre-specs b/c datbird doesn’t want that

just thought this was a good update to give

Pings for ppl who expressed interest to let u know that this game is coming v soon Part 1 of 2:

Pings for ppl who expressed interest to let u know that this game is coming v soon Part 2 of 2:

this feels like an unnecessary ping

are you just fuffiling your ping kink

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absolutely yes

Yeah like we could of just pinged them when signups were open

sorry ok i have a ping kink

also i wanted to give some ppl who have become more inactive more time to check and/or think

ITAs go bang bang.
Time to bring back the Short Fuse meme.


you have interest in this? just curious

Depends on start date kinda tight for my schedule the next few weeks

May 25 I have my Champs game
June 1st hosting a Mash

If it’s after my mash is done I would be 100 interested in joining

ah yikes nvm then
best of luck

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Wait when do you plan to start this?

Whenever i get the green light to open signups
Which i assume will be in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks