[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Squid is a villager

She should ATE less but she’s still a villager

Why are half the players not voting

very stupid take

if Marshal gets lynched then either we lynch a wolf, or I get someone to talk to

thus I’d rather they lynch Marshal

heres ur arbitrary message to keep u able to speak

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I disagree I think it’s probably the former

/suicide bomb Marshal

it cant be suicide if ur dead

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Well see

A suicide bomb causes you and your target to be dead

So this would cause me and Marshal to be dead


Luxy could be a wolf

some of the arguments he’s been making are very similar to the ones he’s made as W before

‘he’s failed to do the specifically wolfy thing I claimed I would read him on but he’s accusing me so he’s a wolf’

I mean

You can not do that

but if you decide to not do that it tends to result in you having a lot fewer partners

@Nuclear_Rehab remove urself from Squadra Guardie del corpo


what a shock

the super obvious townie who was actually trying to gamesolve is dead

On the plus side I have someone to talk to now

Nuclear claimed bleed healer, they could’ve been claimvigged possibly modulo weird flavor shenanigans

Realistically speaking Nuclear was killed to remove the player not to remove the role

but probably he was in fact claimvigged

Uni’s level of thread awareness is inconsistent in a way that I think is likely wolfy

He knows that allegedly you need to character claim to get claimvigged but doesn’t know whether Nuclear character claimed in your apparently dead neighborhood