KyoDaz's Class Suggestion Masterthread

I LOVE making classes. Mostly all of these (except Tapstress & Waitress) were made in a span of around ~2 hours. They will have huge balancing mistakes and probably just normal mistakes in general. That’s why I appreciate feedback and suggestions on changing certain class abilities, passives ect.

I apologize for any similarities between classes. Inform me and I’ll try to change it if it’s possible.

The most difficult classes I made were the BD and Unseen Support & Killers. I found trouble finding a support action that’s unique that isn’t too similar to what a social would have but unfortunately it’s more social leaned than support. I feel as though the Killer could be abused a bit however I think it’s relatively balanced. Definitely on the stronger conversion side.

Blue Dragon & Unseen Investigative (The Tapstress & Waitress)

The Tapstress

Blue Dragon Investigative
Nocturnal (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. You do not appear as occupy or redirection immune. This passive is kept upon class change.
Spill Drink (Day) - Spill a player’s drink, allowing you to see if and when a day action is performed on them. Able to target self. - 2 uses
Brew Mead (Night) - Brew mead for yourself, allowing you to see which class types visited your target. Able to target self. - Infinite uses
Offer Dessert (Night) - Offer desert to a player, discovering if they are using their second night action. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Blue Dragon.

The Waitress

Unseen Investigative
Nocturnal (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. You do not appear as occupy or redirection immune. This passive is kept upon class change.
Scald (Day) - Scald a player with hot water, allowing you to see who, what and when the latest day ability was used on them. (If there was no previous ability then the next one will inform the Waitress.) Able to target self. - 2 uses
Distill Mead (Night) - Brew mead yourself, allowing you to see which classes visited your target. Able to target self. - Infinite uses
Offer Leftovers (Night) - Offer leftovers to a player, allowing you to predict and see which position of the night ability they used. If you predict correctly you will learn what ability they used. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Unseen.

Blue Dragon & Unseen Killer (The Butcher & Slaughterer)

The Butcher

Blue Dragon Killer
Butchery (Passive) - Anyone you attack will have their logbook destroyed. Kept upon class change.
Thick Skinned (Passive) - Your thick skin allows you to resist cuts easily. You are death immune the first time you are attacked.
Sharpen (Day) - Any attack you cause tonight will bypass death immunity. - 1 use
Carve (Night) - Slash at a player, bypassing healing. - 2 uses
Whirlwind (Night) - Anybody visiting your target tonight with a negative effect will be attacked. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Blue Dragon.

The Slaughterer

Unseen Killer
Butchery (Passive) - Anyone you attack will have their logbook destroyed. Kept upon class change.
Pig’s Blood (Day) - Cause a player to believe they are bleeding. - 2 uses
Cannibalize (Night) - Prevent a player’s class from showing if they die tonight. - 2 uses
Cleave (Night) - You will kill instead of the Assassin. You will kill the target and anybody visiting the target will bleed out in two days unless healed. - 1 use
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Unseen.

Blue Dragon & Unseen Offensive (The Tanner & Cordwainer)

The Tanner

Blue Dragon Offensive
Supply (Passive) - Start with 3 skins and 2 leather clothing.
Weave Leather (Day) - Weave leather clothing, increasing your clothing count by 1 and decreasing your skin count by 2. - {amount of skins ÷2} uses
Address Wardrobe (Night) - Address the wardrobe of a player, offering them clothing. If they are attacked the attacker will be occupied the following night. This effect persists until the player wearing the clothing gets attacked. - {amount of clothing} uses
Forage Skin (Night) - Forage for skins, increasing your skin count by 2 if the target dies. If the target has attacked your leather clothing or been attacked with leather clothing increase your skin count by 1.
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Blue Dragon.

The Cordwainer

Unseen Offensive
Precise Supply (Passive) - Half your previous supply as a Tanner.
Awl Holder (Passive) - The Assassin’s attacks will negate your leather clothing.
Weave Leather (Day) - Weave leather clothing, increasing your clothing count by 1 and decreasing your skin count by 2. - {amount of skins ÷2} uses
Obscure (Night) - Obscure a player, feigning results to investigatives. If they are investigated they will appear to be your chosen class. If they are investigated the investigator will be occupied the following night. This effect persists until death. - {amount of clothing} uses
Cull Skin (Night) - Cull for skins, increasing your skin count by 1 if the target dies. If the target has attacked your leather clothing or been attacked with leather clothing increase your skin count by 1.
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Unseen.

Blue Dragon & Unseen Social (The Clerk & Auditor)

The Clerk

Blue Dragon Social
Historical Records (Passive) - You will be informed if a player with Royal Blood visits you.
Tally (Day) - In-progress - 2 uses
Provide Statement (Night) - Provide a statement for two players, silently having your vote count twice on those player’s trials for the day.
Deliver Evidence (Night) - Your vote for execution on non-Blue Dragon players will secretly count as 0. You will not be informed of your vote count. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Blue Dragon.

The Auditor

Unseen Social
Historical Secrets (Passive) - Upon being visited by a player with the passive Royal Blood, receive a copy of the feedback they received last night.
Tally (Day) - Allows you to see the current votes in real time. Able to be used during trials. - 2 uses
Provide Statement (Night) - Provide a statement for two players, silently having your vote count twice on those player’s trials for the day.
Distort Evidence (Night) - Your vote for execution on Blue Dragon players will secretly count as 2. You will not be informed of your vote count. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Unseen.

Blue Dragon & Unseen Support (The Steward & Chamberlain)

The Steward :shield:

Blue Dragon Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - During elections for a new King, votes count for you twice. Kept upon class change.
Communication Difficulties (Passive) - The Steward cannot spawn alongside the Mystic.
Send Condolences (Day) - Guarantee that a player’s night ability will be successful. Does not work if both selected players are non-royalty & royalty and vice versa. (Select one dead person and a living). - 3 uses. Does not affect conversion abilities.
Offer Advice (Night) - Send the King a private message. - 2 uses
Royal Invitation (Night) - Invite a player into your chambers. They may decline or accept. You will share a night chat. This persists until death. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Blue Dragon.

The Chamberlain :shield:

Unseen Support
Royal Blood (Passive) - During elections for a new King, votes count for you twice. Kept upon class change.
Send Congratulations (Day) - If the Assassin’s night ability is not successful they will learn the reason why, what and who caused it to not be successful. (Ect. The Assassin was occupied, concentrated wine prevented them and 8 is the Butler.) Does not work if the Assassin did not kill the selected target. (Select one dead person). The Assassin will be notified whether or not Send Congratulations was successful or not. - Infinite uses
Offer Advice (Night) - Send the King a private message. - 2 uses
Trapped Invitation (Night) - Invite a player into your chambers. They may decline or accept. You will share a night chat. This persists until death. Members of the Unseen may see the chat but may not talk unless invited. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Unseen.

The Queen & The Reagent Queen (Neutral Support & Special)

The Queen :shield:

Neutral Support
Queen Consort (Passive) - During elections for a new King, votes count for you twice. If a King election fails or you become King, you will become the Reagant Queen.
Shared Quarters (Passive) - You are death immune whenever the King is.
Royal Influence (Day Ability) - Allows the King to use both of his day abilities. - 2 uses
Donation (Night Ability) - Refund a limited use ability to another player. - 2 uses
Enact Policy (Night Ability) - If there is to be a King election tomorrow, only royals may be elected to the throne. The court is not aware of this. - 1 use
Survive to see the King’s faction win.

The Reagent Queen :shield:

Neutral Special
Vengeful Tenacity (Passive) - Occupy and redirect immune. Can talk at all points in a trial. You can use both day abilities during the day.
Line of Succession (Passive) - No more Kings can be elected upon your death.
Point Finger (Day Ability) - Your next nomination for treason will count twice. - Infinite uses
Decide Fate (Day Ability) - Decide an accused player’s fate.
Guards! (Night Ability) - Become death immune for the night. - 2 uses
Blame Treachery (Night Ability) - Send a guard to execute a player. Only usable on players who voted to execute or attack the previous King. Disables usage of Decide Fate tomorrow. - 1 use
Survive to see the previous King’s faction win.

The Weaver (Neutral Offensive)

The Weaver :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Woven Clothes (Passive) - Attacks made against you will bypass healing.
Determined (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Kept upon class change.
Tripwire (Day Ability) - Set a tripwire at a player’s house, granting them immunity to attacks and notifying you if they are attacked. They will not be aware they were attacked. - 2 uses - Able to target self.
Entwine (Night Ability) - Entwine a player’s house with strings, occupying them if they are a Killer class. - Infinite uses
Weave Strings (Night Ability) - Redirect attacks made against a player to the attacker(s). Only able to target the same person once. - 2 uses
Survive to see at least three players with an ability to directly kill die.

Special Class;

Neutral Special

The Orphan :shield:

Neutral Special
Refuge (Passive) - The Neutral Killer will be informed of your class upon visiting you. They will be aware of the presence of an Orphan at the start of the game. The Orphan is death immune to the Neutral Killer’s attacks.
Distort (Day Ability) - Any investigative affected by Plead or Shroud tonight will instead not be occupied and receive results depending on a chosen class. - 3 uses
Plead (Night Ability) - Force a player to target you. They will be occupied if they are an investigative class type. - Infinite uses
Shroud (Night Ability) - Any investigative class type visiting the Neutral Killer will be occupied tonight. - 2 uses
Defeat anyone who dares to oppose the Neutral Killer.


Thank you to Maxwell for the feedback to Tapstress & Waitress and class names.
Thank you to Geyde for the feedback to The Steward & Chamberlain.
Thank you to Nuclear for the feedback to all of the classes.
Thank you to Shrimpy for the feedback to all of the classes.

And finally, thanks for reading!


Europe (home to the setting and lore which composes ToL) did NOT have coffee in medieval times.
“From China tea spread to other parts of Asia, especially Japan and Korea. But it did not first reach Europe until the sixteenth century, when Portuguese explorers brought some back. In the seventeenth century the Dutch East India Company started importing tea, which became popular as a luxury drink in Europe. Not until the nineteenth century, when the British began having India (then part of its Empire) start growing tea in order to break the Chinese monopoly, did tea become the all-purpose British drink it still is today. (Tea has also become very popular in India in the last 200 years.)”

The IRL lore of ToL is definitely from the 15th century at the absolute earliest, and likely a good deal earlier.
E.g. no coffee.

Changed to mead. However I don’t think it would have posed much of a problem; there is magic staffs and things in the game.

Also, the word barista was invented in the 1980’s in France.
With mead, it can work, but I do suggest changing the name of the BD class at least.

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It is a portmanteau directly from French which originally translated to “Bartender in a coffee shop”.

Magic staffs and things are directly canon to medieval times involving the round table and merlinology. More modern technology and foods are not.

Needs to be unique just for sheer confirmability.

This isn’t very supportive.
It’s more social than anything else.

I’m not sure how to rekit this to work other than either an overhaul or just making it another BD unique social.

Yep. That’s the problem I had.

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I’ll try to draft something up.
I’m pretty sure there’s a way to make it work.

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Pulling from a long time ago, but this works.

There’s also the idea of a death immunity giver that would work better against reaper, but probably needed to add more on top to make it effective

I recommend “Tapstress”.

That could work. Thank you.

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It’s probably the only thing that works. I could find no other synonym of bartender that is both feminine and actually exists.

Alice’s Hand of Byzantium game.

Limited use ability giver

The DI giver also could work (although probably necessary to tone it down)

change that to “water” and you should be good on this front.

I first intended for it to be an alcoholic drink to fit the theme of medieval times however I also could not find a suitable word for a female who serves drinks. A male name would be too similar to butler. I dislike the word ‘Barista’ but Tapstress is pretty neat.
As you can tell I’m very into the theme of things. I quite enjoy unused words such as Cordwainer.


From waitress’s Scald

Ye, thank you. I don’t think mead should be hot so I’ll change it to water (which also fits scald) like boiling water.