Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh nvm they went


i don’t get it

That is not what I was drawing, Italy.

How to join

you don’t understand my artistic genius
i definitely did it right

invite link

but game is ongoing rn and it’s impossible to join ongoing ones

im such a great artist

ici what

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you’d know what it was if you were real, FAKER

no u

I am real and can confirm that I do not get it

Italy is blatantly the faker
He just drew a carrot’s leaves ontop of that thing

you’re just blind if you can’t tell what it is

A carrot’s leaves

I think it’s ici or italy

you’re just blind

Manual like.

This is glorious.

real people should get what i’m drawing here after next round

I just drew the other part of it but I cannot draw so : /

It’s Marshal. Marshal is the faker. I understand now Italy