Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Fun Fact:
If you don’t attack Serbia or Wallachia as Ottomans and ally Poland, you won’t get Coalitions.

In the state of Florida, a special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

porn is also an option
but you are 14 sooo

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That’s a really good one.



here we have someone who said “I’d rank a 3 on the weirdness scale”

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why even suggest that

but there might be a grey area for feet so uh get to sellin

Pretty sure it’s not illegal to view it underage.

there’s like a whole bunch of ridiculous state laws in the US

listen here cloned
theres a market for trans porn

imma be fuckin capitalizing on it

What if you wanted to have a PG-13 forum

But Ami said literally anything


uh yes


that is… very fucking illegal

Which is totally PG 13 am I right?

This is secretly a plot for Marshal to get Wazza feet pics :eyes:

theres an obvious joke i could make here yknow

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No. I mean an underage person viewing legal pornography. Jeez.

as long as you wait until you’re 18

teenagers have been arrested for distribution of underage porn due to sending nude images if themselves to other people

The prosecutors won’t be dragging the minor to jail for that.


yeah that’s legal

…I hope

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