Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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Only when required? I see

And @anon6348071 I still have no idea about you other than ‘gamer’
What else were you like in high school

@Emilia You are here, I have a few assumptiond about you

Did you ever yank a girl’s pigtails/hair in high school
And were you popular

This is similar to how I act in given situations

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its mostly when required

i don’t really like being a leader for an extended period of time

a shitty example is that i tried to IGL for my CS team for a while but it didn’t work out well

i think i have a few anti-leader qualities as well :eyes:

I see. That makes sense.

No to both

Did you ever plot two people to hate eachother

I havent

You are incredibly mysterious Emilia
What were/are you like in High School

Wazza is also a mysterious character actually

50% of time sitting away from everyone And doing my own thing

50% clowning with other ppl

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‘doimg your own thing’
does this involve pawns

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I could see you simulating a chess battle in your head Emilia

Oh and I’m tired to the point whenever I yawn my eyes drip tears

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i don’t want to learn more about emilia because my mental image of her is hilarious and i don’t know how to put it into words

but she’s basically a god


That’s enough usage of divinity today
I’m going to sleep, my divinity capsule I used which was used in an impossible scenario would’ve affected the accuracy of my insight

Have none of you ever wondered what I am talking about when I preach divinity

Venmo collections is still mad at me lol

Time to see if they actually follow through on their threat to report me to some collection agency