Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I would do it if I wasn’t…


8765 kilometres away.

It hurts me how this is seems to be a universal opinion… from Americans. Not even other countries’ citizens. But Americans.

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Ja mowie po polsku

(I know the e is supposed to have an accent mark but I’m typing on an American keyboard)

You missed the Ó. Super important.
I don’t know why we even have a distinction between u and ó in writing when it’s pronounced the exact same way.


Who lives in spain or a spanish speaking country?

Imma go bunk with them
I can ask where the bathroom and library are, and i can ask people how theyre doing
Think thats passable



The only two polish words i know are chleb and kochana

I can’t tell if this is a real word or if you’re showing off all the letters with accent marks

also I realize this is very much an English Speaker Problem but it confuses my brain how you have both ż and ź and they’re different



It’s confusing!!! But they’re pronounced completely differently, so it matters, unfortunately. Not sure why we have those instead of just “zi” and “rzy”, since the pronunciation is the same, but eh.

america is just completely fucked
if you aren’t rich then you’re poor
and if you’re poor
you’re fucked

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I’m pretty sure forums are just completely broken

All the posts are out of order I have no idea what’s going on anymore

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They’ve been broken for several days now. I have to constantly refresh, things are not loading, etc.



It has a bad case of COVID-19 and will die without proper care.

Well we are the ones most affected by it

Our country has low faith in the government and the big businesses because they so so often fuck the people over in favor of some sweet sweet money

And they are really good at making Americans hate eachother for their actions when in reality everyone is negatively effected


For a moment, I thought you were talking about Discourse, because that’s what I mentioned the most recently.

What you’re saying makes sense, though.

I have faith in the discourse government

although the site is likely under a lot of strain in general, and us likely being one of the higest-posting discourse sites doesn’t help


You’re part of the problem.
Ily but also this is kinda true.

I’m part of the problem

but i’m also one of the biggest reasons we have off-topic here at all

so I don’t really feel guilty