Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

this falls under “you probably fucked up”

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i remember that time where i dodged noble meta as reaper by claiming phys not on king during vfr (i was 2 ree)
i claimed that “i was distracted by mystic” and the entire court believed me

too bad i reaped the fucking mystic who linked me and because of that had nobody to back me up :eyes:

Physician claim as a reaper, ew.
Should’ve claimed second mystic :^)

Oh hi cookie

Claim Priest and cc the Mystic.

Priest cant cc mystic/psychic

I feel like such strategy would suit Kat more.
Especially if he rands a Sellsword or Mercenary.

Of course they can!

Everybody knows only one of Priest/Mystic can spawn!

Even mystic wasnt unique lul

get linked
claim mystic the very next day, knowing there’s a real mystic


CCing a dead, confirmed mystic is fun

You arent a thrower tho

Btw whats next cookie number? Suggestions?

I mean you’ve claimed a second Mystic after actual Mystic was outed before.
And you also tried to stop me from winning but you already achieved you wincon so you couldn’t step :^)

but you are :eyes:


Tbf I don’t remember what I did that game except for the fact that I was pret.
I think I didn’t out d1?

Have you guys ever considered reworking ToL?
Remove all abilities, remove conversion and King. Make all BD vanilla and make all Unseen/Cult vanilla as well. Unseen will gain a factional douse and ignite 3 times per game. Cult will gain the ability to douse one player every night and kill all doused players 3 times per game.

Also, all Neutrals are now vanilla and their wincon is to survive.


marson ecks-dee!

ive already made very similar memes somewhere

i dont think you did but you were still a disgusting pretender