Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Whenever I randed Alch I would try to be as chaotic as humanly possible by telling everyone in the game different things. I’d tell one person that I killed X but tell another that I saved Y.

this is why we need OE back

d1 neuts



it was a borderline throwing GK
Court lost 2 days thx to him

OEing a neut isn’t throwing :eyes:

unless they did other stuff

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God I wish.
But another thing I wish for is manual Disguise for EKs – perhaps baked into Allies.

OE had pretty strict rules iirc

but using OE against a neut means you’re killing non-BD :thinking:

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Using OE on neutrals isn’t throwing, period.

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There are three types of people.

“Neuts good! Be friendly so they side with you!”
“Neuts sometimes good. Evaluate constantly. If they show signs of being traitorous, kill them without remorse.”
“NEUTS OUT :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

I belong to category #3.


But you’re also wasting it on someone you can win with.

Imagine using your most important 1-shot ability… just to kill off a neut

Truly you are the chosen one.

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I’ve been townread as a neut before because I tunneled every other neut claim in the game on principle.

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I was even kinda townread in the first Virtuous FoL game we had here for a similar reason.

is it optimal? prob not

is it killing off a non-bd? yes

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As Crone, which was basically Scorned.

I am the righteous protector of noots.

That’s not a townsign
That’s just the sign that you’re neuts out
And therefore a potential thrower, in case if you can’t hold yourself back and play properly when it’s really needed
