Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Indeed you cannot; that is correct.


anti-vax is more harmful

People are hesitant to not protect children from dieseases because of chemicals

But are more okay with not supporting totally healthy food because chemicals

but both are dumb and use the same dumb logic (even if one is much more deadly)

and the fact that companies market the fact that they are GMO-free is disgusting

I understand why you don’t eat them, but that’s not why 95% of people who are anti-GMO are anti-GMO

Anti-vax has much less valid arguments going for it
GMO has a lot of obvious pros if you don’t buy them

There’s also much less of a force fighting against non-GMO because non-GMO is a part of liberalism vs. anti-vax which is a part of conservatism

and, as I’ve mentioned before, from an overarching perspective, liberalism is much more powerful in our country

Lets try not to get political



this sounds lame

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Then again Britain and their supermarkets are quite supportive of farmers
For every jug of milk you buy it’s all sourced from the farmers and they get money back

When quoted out of context that sounds like a form of investment

and this I hate (and is why I think it’s dangerous)

because being anti-GMO is “cool” and “hip” and “health-conscious” and so millions of Americans are being scammed out of their money for something that isn’t even healthier.


I mean, they’re being scammed for wrong reasons and being misled
But it’s helping farmers and local markets

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i miss it

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but I won’t say “liberalism”

instead “millenialism” and shit

although my mom falls for this shit too all the fucking time

“How much farm-to-fork capital would you like to invest with us today?”

“I can provide five hundred farms now, if you can promise me six million forks within five years.”


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according to a political quiz i recently took, i am a freedom-oriented socialist

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y’all are nerds

I live in the fucking west pole of the earth

Chances are, unless you know you’re seriously right, you’re further left than you probably think.

what the heck

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declared by the Texas Legislature to be located “in Bee Cave, Texas…to add to the greatness of Texas”.