Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

a master of the shadows

There are almost no games where town wins without a mislynch/misvig.

This requires perfect play from all villagers and/or horrible-ass play from all the wolves to happen.

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goddammit take me out of context reeee
i didn’t want to say that

fun fact: with guilt vig, this scenario is much less likely

looks at Champs 2020 game 6
looks at 2019 hydra game 2

Yeah, I can count those games on the fingers of one hand.

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this forum has insane neut paranoia
that is all

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I mean… it’s justified. It’s super rare for us to implement townsided neutrals.

huge mashes are the most fun game type and 90% of the joy comes from the fact that you can kill people easily in those games

There was also Ici’s all-star back in 2018.

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Master of the shaders

like boats was an attrocious idea balance-wise
but who the fuck doesn’t love boats

and the JK9

Yeah I’ve noticed. It’s quite stark seeing I’m neutrals in.

the real problem is that almost everyone here either blindly trusts neuts, or thinks all neuts must die because they blindly trusted fake neuts

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oh yeah
that invitational was Fun™

Plus, people here have no idea how to balance them so there’s a fair chance they end up being something broken like the Lying Darkness.

like I said, I don’t think my picture of a perfect game is compatible with FM

because it’s naive
simple as that

selfmade problems lul

it’s not really compatible with ToL either

it’s very very rare for BD in ToL to win without ever misexeing, and when it does happen it’s usually something dumb like ‘the Mastermind left D1, the Assassin was found N2, and the NK was outed by an empower-aid on N3’