Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ships tho


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eh its been two years. If he showed up suddenly Id be worried, but thank god i havent

aren’t trains more predictable then busses though

my trains were never on schedule and had no free wifi, Philly is great :slight_smile:

eh i say this, but they were mostly consistent, they just broke down a lot

how do trains mess up

they literally have no way to mess up because there’s no traffic wtf


like I said, [the trains] are better at actually following the official schedule


It’s pretty calming, especially in the very early mornings/midday when not a lot of people are around.
Boats are alright, but definitely not my favorite.

breaking down or people throwing things on the tracks

I’m pretty sure all trains are loud as hell, it’s definitely not fun to go deaf for several seconds as they arrive.

…what happens when a train hits something on the track

to be fair I think trains being loud is very needed for obvious reasons

nothing much, they are trains, but they have to go and remove things off the tracks for “safety” so the time it takes to do that could slow down the trains by 10 mins


apparently Jake Paul is being charged with rioting and looting

lol get rekt, he prob vlogged it too

can we

I don’t like that name

but this is good, he gets sent to prison

why would you ever dislike his name

I guess so

I just shudder when I hear that name because people I fucking know actually liked that shit

le wrong generation

fairly likely it won’t be that long if he does

I don’t know the punishment for it but I can’t imagine it being that harsh