Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It’s Corax, Cloned please.
The superior Cult deity.


Slander, all of it.
Bathing in blood is reserved only for special occasions.

there’s a site called eyebleach for when you see extra cursed things

oh! oh fuck! i never looked at ritualist class card closely it is corax lol

damn, the ritualist doesn’t have a face

ok then when’s the last time you showered, u smelly culty boi

  1. I see a purple dot and that’s all I see
  2. do I look like I know ToL lore lmao

The Ritualist is actually facing away from us.



Less than 5 hours ago.

why tf did you count catgirls as cats

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Anstreim, you yourself showed me that the path of Corax and Mithras is not the only path that exists, when I was but a Ritualist in Mithras’s care. It was you who showed me that what truly needs to be repented of is not disbelief, but the blind obedience to despotism that so many of the Cultists practice.

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huh, i guess he is

they’re like
but not really
same gist, different vibe

No they aren’t

AI GM was all fun and games until I had to negotiate half a hour with a fat man so he could let me enter a temple.

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stop uttering falsehoods and prove it

Please Arete, the only reason we were named “Unseen” was because we were shrouded in Corax’s darkness.
Mithras is inferior, it is time to reestablish the Cult under new rule :^)

use this corax it’s more menacing


go blue dragon?