Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Katze. No.

i cant play a neutral whos not allowed to lie

granted, the “not being allowed” part was because the mods didn’t really understand the point of the classcard

but even disregarding that? id take almost any other neutral over that one :eyes:

not being allowed to lie?

marshal and… derps, i think, didnt understand one of your neuts

and then you edited it postgame to make it more clear that lying was part of its design


i still have PTSD from that game though

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The duo with the lie detector and the NK?

No there was no NK in the duo, i was the nk

There is a duo with Efina and Theo, is it that one?

yeah, if i lied i turned into an NK after like 3 nights

i also just realized how many classes in the GI thread were made by you, jeez

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I like making setups

yeah it was that one

make more of them :wink:

add the lying darkness to all of them

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just make the lying darkness not nuke the game D1

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hosts have to interpret things that were written on the classcard

we can’t just ask the creator how they intended it

my stance is that there is no “misunderstanding how a class works” from the host (in GI). It’s up to the host to interpret the gray area

i mean yeah i don’t expect you to just msg merc

but reeeee let me lie

I don’t know how Theo and Efina play with eachother tbh

DEMON SOULS. oh shit

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Well… for starters, if the questions can only be asked during Night Phase, then this game would have to start with Night Zero.

Hm… by “something good for the town”, do you mean use their abilities?
(Assuming they have unlocked it.)

A yes/no answer is actually easier than a “A/B/C/etc” multiple choice because players might abuse the system and ask 5 questions with 26 options. (Unless we limit multiple questions to 4 possible answers or something.)
Giving “killing/offensive” as an answer is… well, if you are a flexible host, then knowing when to answer is good and all, but I am not that kind of host, so I don’t think this is a feasible option for me. I think that the simplest yes/no format is the best. (For the host, that is. How the players will tackle this problem is another issue.)

I agree that they would be closer to Dreaming Gods, but if all abilities have infinite use, then stuff like Killing/Offensive abilities would become overpowered very quickly; we would have to limit the range of the possible abilities.

What is an example of this “clown-fiesta-esque” bastard games?
Would Auction Mafia fit this term?
Would my insanity bastard game fit this term?

Well, yes. This is probably for the best.

Chekhov’s Gun. If there is a mechanic, then players will always use and misuse it one way or another. You can’t exactly change the abilities mid-game so one player could have more fun than the other since that would be unfair, so in order to achieve fairness, we need to tweak the abilities so they become balanced.

…well then, time to see what I can do. Considering that this is a “Everyone is a Dreaming God” FM… I would need to look up for a lot of roles. Time to start digging roles in MU. :pick:

Im so Excited for Demons Souls remastered

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