Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Do you want to play Ranked w/ me and Ami if they want to as well when we become elligible?
Fyi I main on EUW but I’m on NA1 now bcuz Ami + Dat were on NA

This is my NA account

I’ve been trying out new heroes like Kindred + Malzahar
Both are quite fun tbh

added you

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Look at this Soraka jgl

Why do you do this?

that hurts my soul as a jungle main

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I went ADC Soraka JGL

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ive come to make an announcement

league of legends is a bad game

anyone who disagrees with my factually correct opinion is incorrect

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Here comes the AMBULANCE

oh geez

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is this like when people thought I was hja

hi emilia

I just bought Irelia
She looks pretty fun


because you two arent the same person

*insert “I love Emilia” meme*

Ahh yes,

Shes fucking hard to play tbh.

Her early is pretty great, but, it can be hard for her to team fight properly, espically since she goes Bork BC instead of Triforce Steraks now

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She looks like a goddess in her divine sword skin
I love the word divinity

I love anything divine
Kayle, Irelia

its a great skin

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I got Firecracker Vayne on my first opening of the boxes in 2019 and my friend who mained yasuo and is op at the game was like

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