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I dont really spend time researching the education systems of other nations so i wouldnt know what is unique and what isn’t really

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We did Sin() Cos() Tan() in Grade 8
We’re doing Radians right now, and have passed it

sounds like your on the mathematical timeline i was
if you’re in grade nine, you’ll probably do calculus in grade eleven

My thoughts exactly. The SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority) have branched mathematics into ‘Mathematics’ (Formula) and ‘Numeracy’ (Algebra ect.)

You literally only need one of these degrees in Scotland for it to be considered a mathematics degree, though some of them will help more than others (like Mathematics would be better for construction)

Scotland’s education system is… quite professional but also informal

You could get away with writing absolute slang and things like ‘Yer maw injects ket (ketamine)’ and you’d be seriously ranked by the instructor with no penalty for it.

Because if you use anything Scottish in Scotland you’re unlikely to be penalized for it; our government likes it :upside_down_face:


One thing

Academic performance before high school does not matter whatsoever here, so long as you pass everything

Some areas have selective enrollment high schools that are public but very prestigious and you have to apply to get into, but those are rare and usually only exist in the big cities. In the suburbs and country there’s usually one high school for a very large area.

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Oh yeah. That’s the same here. But the teachers & other staff say it will.
I know it’s absolute bullshit.

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This is different for us because I’d say like, 95% of schools here are owned by the government.
If you’re paying a private school as long as they get the money I don’t think they’d look at previous grades

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Do you realize that you can enforce your own fonts whenever you want you potato?

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The ones i refer to are public, but prestigious, like i said

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Canada is Fucked

we dont do Calc minimum until grade 12 if your AP or IB

Math 101 here is Calc 1, and you better hope you have a good fucking uni prof

Education in the UK is fully free from Nursery > Primary School > High School > College > University
The only time you have to pay is if you go back to University after finishing a degree

before we stumble into confusion
a “public school” in britain is almost identical to a private school

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another thing
There is no a-level sequence here, meaning schools have more liberty in some aspects
For instance, before high school, in most locations, anyone who’s really brilliant usually ends up skipping at least one grade in at least one subject.

comprehensive schools are the ones that aren’t effectively private

I fully agree with this except that the pupil demographics, personality ect. will all be different.
The classrooms almost all silent.

also we dont do Trig until grade 10 up

skipping grades sounds like something I really could’ve used when I was younger
on the other hand I don’t want what happened to my father to happen to me

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Being in a private school in Britain seems like hell, tbh
Worst thing about the government schools are the catholic ones; and this is not hateful towards any religion but just towards how the school system is run
Sexual Education is not taught there for the most part

Here, public refers to every type of school where the student’s family does not pay tuition
I.e. everything outside of religious and boarding schools

Well there are also charter schools, who get half in tax money and half from tuition; they are a grey area. Most of them are terrible (arete’s school is one of the few exceptions)