Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

that was the case for both of my parents because military families

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Most of these were due to either family matters or me living in a very weird part of the suburb i grew up in that caused me to move back and forth between school peer communities growing up
The rest were due to an unfortunate level of arrogance pertaining to my underappreciation of prestige as compared to rigor, during high school
Cept for the last couple, which were based on need pertaining to the only option i had to have a chance at a good uni at that point (with that, i overvalued prestige over the odds that i’d successfully earn a bachelor’s at all); i also obscenely overestimated the ability of a community college courseload (even a 15-credit hour one concurrently with full time high school with one class that met 9-5 on saturdays (FA17), a 13-credit hour one still with full time high school with a class that required me to leave high school two hours early twice a week and another class that met past 10 P.M. twice a week (SP18), a half-length, intensive, 15-credit-hour summer one (SU18), a 22-credit-hour one (FA18), and another 22-credit-hour one (SP19), all of these with straight A’s across the board) to prepare me for uni

i would obviously advise against community college for anyone given my above experiences
even though it’s obviously a much cheaper freshman and sophomore year and could make it easier for you to get into a great uni

It does nothing but disillusion you
Lectures lasting four times as long – lots of handholding
Exams worth only one fourth as much of the course grade, sometime less – no way to avoid being in for a brutal awakening for uni exams; they’re both much harder, weigh much more of the grade, and commonly are given much less time for
Much less frequent office hours at uni, that are also much more likely to conflict with one of other courses
Also since you’ll have done all the underclassmen courses u’ll need for ur bachelor’s at CC, courses that are meant to ease students into the incredible academic rigor of a uni environment, that means you’re just flung right into the deep end, and every single course you take at uni will be a brutally difficult intensive upperclassman major-specific course.

Not to mention you might be super depressed, because as I said before, community college is the antithesis of a community. You’ll be with an entirely different group of people in almost every class; most students there work full time in addition to taking these classes, there are never any extracurriculars, and no one ever hangs out outside of class for non-course-related matters, ever.

An associate’s degree on its own is amusingly useless. No one really cares if you completed just the first two years of some bachelor program. Meaning if you get one and then fail to complete the bachelor’s, u’ve basically wasted 2+ years of ur life for nothing.
if u dont think you’ll be able to complete a uni program, then just go for apprenticeship / trade school (/ music or culinary if you believe yourself to be really skilled at either of those)

im on the same font on firefox as i am in chrome

but it still looks worse at times

tfw your country does not have free unis

I can’t imagine how it is to live with a huge amount of loans.
Okay to be fair, I had to pay back like 8k € to the state, but it never was a load on me, cuz it never would increase, and the condition is that I only have to pay it back as soon as I earn enough money to effort it

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In the U.S., most students who attend any school other than a public in-state school usually accumulate over $50k in loans by the end of their bachelor’s, unless they have an uncommonly large college fund or get one of a few extremely rare scholarships for incredible non-academic achievements.

With Ph. D, the school usually pays for your degree, but if you do medical school or law school, one can easily get over $200k in loans by the end of it.

As someone who often pays with cash instead of credit card, to not lose the feel for how much I have and how much I can effort to spend… it sounds crazy to have so much loans without having a specific plan how to pay it back

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The only plan is hope
Hope that the play will pay off in the long term

One thing I love about the Government having a bit more power is this
When it’s utilised correctly
You’d never see this from a powerless Government

imagine remembering what classes you took in high school

Charter schools on average produce results that are no better than public schools, and they are often (significantly) worse, at least as of the last time I was familiar with up-to-date statistics (probably two years but I highly doubt things have massively changed in that time).

It should not be surprising to anybody that the idea “what if schools were devoid of regulations” can go horribly wrong

imagine not knowing what classes im actively taking in highschool

Got my mother an air fryer for her birthday and we have already made:
Hash browns
Chocolate chip cookies
Fried chicken
Brussels sprouts

Love this thing


Brussels sprouts are SO GOOD

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hi chloe

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Hi soolit!!


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dude my dad got one, its sweet. Buffalo wings in it, are amazing

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