Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

…“mmm, yes, another bite of Anstreim please” sips tea

this cannot be taken out of context in any way

why does this sound like you’re trying to flirt with Ans and failing miserably


I really fail to comprehend how you think alice has any chance against Memesky.

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ok so


invitational 9v2 mountainous with all alts

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The problem is that Memesky is gone


did you forget jojo fm
memesky always comes back

i’m trying to sound like a food critic

if i were trying to flirt with anstreim i’d fail a lot less miserably

to be fair the only time i’ve seen memesky was in jojos where he 1 posted and got ITAed

which, upon evaluation, is pretty intimidating

couple problems with this

if its an invitational you can probably guess a majority of the playerlist

and most of the players on that list have a distinct writing style

i think memesky is actually just lurking
they made sure to warn us that CFM2 would end badly

Arete cannot hide from me.

Or would you :^)

This is even better tbf.

oh fuck

you’d be suprised kat

Counterpoint: It’s an opportunity to fake someone’s writing style and get mistaken for them.

cough rem cough

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Inb4 everyone fakes DybuDabu writing style.


would probably have gotten you strongmanned because Alice was gonna get converted N2

i think our DMs would imply i am correct :^)

That is true. If I typed like this, I doubt I would be read as katze.

But if I post a single cat picture then my cover is blown.

Or do quite a few things that only really I do.

Dat had a good idea

Make it invitation only
That way you dont have to outright deny people

I’d love to watch this game tbh
It might need to be discussed more?