Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’ve only gotten sunburn once and it was in colorado because of the fucking snow

otherwise I just get tan

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Meh, it used to be worse, my parents now force me to go outside for half an hour a day.

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I’ve never been sunburnt anywhere besides my shoulders

I’d rather not have the burn on my shoulders but reeee

I generally enjoy heat but I can’t really deal with it for a long time

ican’t imagine not having AC during summer tho


i have pointy shoulders

they always get burnt

I’ve just never had sunburns, I can even lie in the sun.

Haha, I can.

Relatable, because I stopped going outside afterwards.


Uhm… What the Nani!?

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you can get sunburns from snow

can confirm

sun reflects off of it

suprisingly bright

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Usually what happens in the heat is that I don’t feel like moving anywhere and then get a tan as a result

You just kinda die, to be honest.
No energy to do anything at all and any kind of movement is painful.

Yos. Can confirm. Just stay in bed all day, problem solved.

But but
I get restless

I can’t do that

snow is like big mirror for sun

makes sunburns common

Wrong, the bed is hot too.
Just slink in the chair near PC and pray for the sun to go down.


Get in fridge.

You jest but I’ve been contemplating it every summer and it was a running joke in my family when I was younger.
I wish.


har har


We have an average temperature of 30c in August, which is 86 farenheit

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