Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i think this is what happened when i used it? i dont remember

Even though Undertaker doesn’t even have the abilities

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Also a bit of trivia

Maid’s Matchmake didn’t have an alt


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that’s the joke

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Mmm yes, let me use Forensics to see my own CL visiting someone they killed.
Very convincing :^)

I’d probably just swap my claim if I was converted into Apostle, unless I was already outed.

Forensic the nk kill

unless it’s a basilisk game

I still find it somewhat weird that Coroner is “social” even though it feels more like a watered down investigative.

I think the fact it’s entirely dead interaction makes it social

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Also seeing this is depressing.

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That’s the problem right there chief :^)


Imagine headhunter dying before shooting D:

Also some of those still contain some arguably useful information.
So it wasn’t even a full waste?

Also Echoes of Anstreim has 3 uses so you basically just always spam it

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also have you noticed that literally every social class is Prestige besides Coroner

Yes and I’m quite disappointed about it.

Though, counterpoint – if you get starter Apostle, it makes it easier to fake the Magistrate, unless prestige cap actually spawned.
But then you could push at least 1 ML if you are doing good socially.

Unless said Prestige classes are Cabalists

Coroner with two point alt.
Flip the first Cabalist as some nonsense, then kill off second :^)

First Cabalist just uses Letter with no Sender
Second Cabalist does so on someone else