Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


I would just say wolfia

but whatevs

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we are one

should we do it here too

and you can’t beat mine :slight_smile:


it was a mistake on discord

how is this a mistake

I in turn lose to Fire tho

It’s like rock paper scissors

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you all can probably beat my gutreads

which is why instead of betting for myself I am betting against litten

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This was a mistake


If we learned anything in Season 6, it’s that Litten’s reads are always on-point

That was a year ago

Turbo Tonight?

Still champs

Still a year ago

Plus I learned a lot since then

I’m going to nail all the scum watch me

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Plus FM hasn’t really been played for a year so how could you have gotten better

I’ve been in like five games


If you do it with physical nails I’ll give you my paycheck