Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

On it



vulgard was never seen again


I can suspend people

I don’t think I can regularly suspend people for 8 hours, and even if I could I’m pretty sure that doing so would get me yelled at

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Ban everyone when it’s night time in their time zone


Kat you utter fool. Your experiences with me should be telling you otherwise.

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bans self


You have found my only weakness.

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i should just ban myself
i mean “ban”
you get the idea

i mean i can tell you why i disagree

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that’s how I feel and yet

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No need because I already know that you are objectively wrong :^)

have you tried installing a website blocker that lets you set a custom time to block specific sites?

thinking less of a person because they aren’t the best at controlling their emotions is dumb

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Download this fun thing called teamviewer


unless the person being thought less of is me

Chloe’s master plan to get people to sleep is to force exit all tabs

But generally, I know that this isn’t… ideal advice, I think a big part of getting enough sleep is having a ‘correct’ mindset? As in, repeatedly tell yourself that you should go to sleep at X time, and try to maintain it?

It’s not easy but you have work to help you with that, I suppose.

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you’re not even a bad offender of this???

and you’re super wrong

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:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:
Arete please, don’t make me spam you how much of a terrible mindset this is. Having emotions is fine. Don’t bottle things up.