Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think its automated as long as your forum email matches the patreon email?

uhhh… it matches

need to link it

I didn’t bother with it so hell knows to be honest.

Didn’t we just save the forum for 7days

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How linkus?

i’m likely keeping the subscription

worth it to me and i’m spending far far less money in quarantine anyways



the cookie beckons

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And I’ll answer :wink:

chloe how do i get my cool color

Never got an answer if my donation counted even though I have the content unlocked lmao.

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I just

To be fair i connected Patreon with Discord via the Patreon Site THEN i noticed the change on the Forums, but I brushed that up to coincidence

Also green bad

Red good

Shouldn’t you be sleeping by the way.

I can’t get red tho dummu

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Me no get how linkus.

Yeah i had to let the dog in my room - she she really wanted to jump on my bed for some reason

Time for 1more hr of sleep



Patreon email has to be same as discourse email

das all I understand

Maybe check discourse settings/preferences for a connection tab or something

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