Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

That sounds like a jerk move, especially coming from the staff.

What the actual hell was going in your school.

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See, WWII was the last time the British Empire existed and could be considered to be in any way on the right side of history, so History lessons in the UK cling to it desperately.

yeah arete/ans go to sleep

not me though, I’ll stay up forever

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how else were they going to get people to go to a rehearsal for the school production, apparently???

how else would the school counselors keep their jobs more like

speaking of the horrors of war there was that time when we were made to do class presentations on history and they made me do a report on conflicts that the British were in, expecting me to go for WWI or WWII, but I did a presentation on all of them, so there’s this giant spreadsheet somewhere in a primary school database that has an 8-year old making references to British war crimes in Iraq

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This is several levels of messed up. That’s the best thing I can say about this.
Legitimately spreading excitement among your students about something that is supposedly going to happen so they put effort into their preparations, only to reveal that it wasn’t ever a thing… That’s the exact opposite of what ‘professional behavior’ is.

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that one wasn’t even intentional
they just severely underestimated the amount of research I was willing to do

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there were no school counsellors

Quotes to take out of context 101.

I’m imagining little hard working Ici and its adorable. So long as we omit the topic of your research.


Not even the first aid lady?

We have these posters up in our school for like, an ‘Anti Bullying Officer’ or something.
In primary it was usually the first aid lady.

The First Aid Lady was a TA, so they spent most of their time in one of 8 classrooms, and nobody knew which one at any given time except the people in that room.

I’m pretty sure the TAs were the only thing keeping that school stable, but it did churn out good grades despite being a nightmare pit of madness.

we all know that school anti-bullying initiatives primarily take the form of telling the kids being bullied that if they were just more Confident and Likeable and Normal that they wouldn’t be bullied


But in fairness, all schools in the UK are a nightmare pit of madness, and weirdly we were one of the best schools in our area, because in the other ones the weirdness comes from the students rather than the weird way everything was taught and organised, and that made bullying less of a problem, even if I was the butt of it literally all the time…

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you only really notice how messed up primary school is after you leave it, to be fair

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i’m pretty sure i did some research into kurdish genocide at one point
that was an enlightening wikipedia page for an 8-year old to see

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…in hindsight it just occurred to me that it’s possible that most places don’t do things like ‘assign the kid being bullied an assignment to read the same passage every day for a week about how you need to be Confident and Stand Up Straight and Keep Your Hands Out Of Your Pockets so that people will see that you Like Yourself and decide not to bully you’

Scotland isn’t much better hen