Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I mean against the rules, but you know. And the problem was that you couldn’t hide there because, again, it was this werid open-plan chamber of bookcases and unused bean bags

We could stay in our library during breaks and sometimes during actual classes (if our teacher allowed us to), provided we were actually studying and not just messing around.
What is the actual point in having a library if not only there are no rules, but you literally can’t use it during school hours.

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Again, there were rules, but nobody knew what they were because nobody knew who the Librarian was and everyone was too afraid to ask.

Well yeah, ‘technically’ you had rules. That no one ever knew.
And here I thought my second school was a weird place.

Other fun things include the fact that the toilet cubicles were increcdibly high but had a very large gap before reaching the cieling, making it easy for an athletically minded student to lock both toilets from the inside and have nobody else be able to do anything about it due to lack of handholds and lack of strength needed to bust down the doors.

My second school had the rule “You can play basketball in the gym on thursdays and fridays.” Unfortunately, the gym always happened to be closed on those days.

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It didn’t help that somebody’s idea of the height of comedy was peeing on the floor, leading to the astonishing bullshit of “if you don’t stop doing that nobody will be allowed to go the toilet unless they go to the Year 1/2 toilets”. Which is practically impossible because, as mentioned earlier, it required bending the rules to fucking sneak past the vouluneteer guards, who were all but told to be suspicious of too many people going to the toilet in case they did something Nefarious™

Thankfully, the piss ceased to flow from that point, but there was now a volunteer student whoose job was to stand by the toilet and write down the names of anyone who went to the loo in a particular hour.

as you can tell my education means I am very prepared for the prospect of living in a police state

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Now that sounds like fun times indeed.

Why does this sound like a prison or something.

Another fun fact I remembered while talking about schools, our school was a 4 floor building and had windows everywhere – obviously letting rabid teenagers mess with said windows was not an option, so what our school administration did was literally unscrew the handles of those windows off, then force janitors to screw them back on during every class so they could air the corridors.
Truly, a magnificent system.

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Ignore potato salad of words and weird sentence structure.

i swear that it wasn’t and that generally we were allowed to do whatever we wanted
but it had lots of really specific and vaguely sinister rules

Mashed potatoes!

Also you cannot convince me that this is a real thing. Although I probably shouldn’t doubt it since said volunteering students would get to skip on their classes, from what I get.

Help, my thumb hurts for no reason.

most of the volunteer roles were “hey kids want to spy on your fellow man!?!?!?”, and by volunteer I mean if nobody volunteered they’d be randomised

I remember spending about a month missing every assembly basically acting as a watchman whoose job it was to prevent people from sneaking to… somewhere??? The fucking library??? which makes no sense because the entire rest of the school apart from 4 people, one for each of the two doors in a double doors, and then hold the doors open as everybody runs to break, were all in the same room in an assembly

school is WACK ya’ll

Oh, so I’m assuming it was during breaks then? Yeah, that’s… Not a position that most would want to find themselves in.

I think the worst thing that ever happened at our school was someone vandalizing the toilets – and I don’t mean causing a mess in the stalls, I think it was just painting some mirrors and smoking there or whatever, and the only thing that came out of it was a public announcement.
No threats to stop the students from using the stalls or whatever.

I think we’ve only had volunteers that ensured that no one was outside their designated classrooms during the actual classes, but most of the time this was done by janitors or whatever. If you got caught wandering the halls, you would just be questioned and sent on your way.

Manual like.