Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’m gonna add this to my setup

The Punisher

Neutral Special
Non-Player Entity (Passive) - You have no true wincon, because you are not a player in the first place. You cannot vote and cannot be voted, no abilities can interact with you, you cannot fire ITA shots and you cannot be shot in ITAs. You do not count toward parity.
Claimvig go bang bang (Day) - Kill a player who claimed for no reason. - Compulsive, infinite use each day
Kill everyone who claims for no reason. This is not a wincon. This is an obligation.


The second one is so me

why you mod confirming there’s a claim vig
wow Vulgard worst host ever /s


Forceroll me as this and I’m joining :^)


“This is not a wincon. This is an obligation.”

the exact details of the setup are up in the air i’m just tossing random statements around

vul i feel like we’re going to end up in a hosting duel

how so

the difference is that my mastery of complete bullshit will crush you

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Okay but Vulgard is seriously considering the Lying Darkness :sunglasses:

the healer keeps the entire party together
healers get bullied often and because of that 75% of healers are possible serial killers that get the power to decide who lives or dies

the punisher is the best thing
and i’m gonna forceroll myself as that

i made a bastard whisper game with RNG mechanics balanced and fun
i have improved my design ability twentyfold since Fates

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I distinctly remember being hit on the head and being knocked out when playing a mafia game. When I woke up I apparently shot a wolf and everyone applauded me.

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wait seriously

wtf firekitten

wait that’s obviously not serious
i’m a dummy


“Punisher here”

claim punisher than dayvig yourself because it’s compulsive
why can i see that happening