Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Treatment of nightmares, as cataloged by the DSM-5:

Support from friends and relatives can help if you are suffering stress. Witnessing or experiencing trauma may affect you in other areas of functioning. Consulting a mental health professional is recommended. Sharing your feelings whether with family, friends, or a therapist may help you better cope with the events that may be disturbing you. In addition, your physical health may need attention, regular exercise and consistent sleep hygiene are helpful. With physical activity, you may fall asleep faster, and enjoy a deeper sleep. Other helpful tips include relaxation therapy to reduce muscle tension and lessen anxiety.

A new medication may also be a culprit. Discussing prescription drugs with you physician or health practitioner may be required. Discontinuing medication and trying alternatives may be needed.

Substances to limit or avoid altogether may include: tranquilizers, alcohol, caffeine, other stimulants, especially at bedtime.

However, substance or alcohol abuse must be addressed. Seeking help through regular therapy or support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous may help.

If you suffer nightmares more than weekly, contact your physician or health professional. Call your health-care provider if they occur more often than weekly, or if they prevent you from getting a good night’s rest and persist for a prolonged period. Your medical history and a physical exam may be needed.

Here are some medical history questions that may be included:

  • Is there a time pattern to the nightmares?
  • Are nightmares recurrent?
  • Do they occur in the first or second half of the night?
  • Are you suddenly fully awake from sleep?
  • Do you feel intense fear and anxiety after the nightmare?
  • Do you remember the imagery, the plot?
  • Have you been recently ill?
  • Did you have a fever?
  • Did you experience a stressful incident?
  • What is, if any, your alcohol intake?
  • Do you take medications?
  • Do you use street drugs? If so, what do you use?
  • Do you take natural supplements or alternative medicine remedies?
  • Do you suffer other symptoms?

The physical exam may include neurological and psychological assessments, blood tests, an EEG, as well as tests for liver and thyroid function.

If all possible above causes are ruled out, assessment by a sleep specialist may be required. The specialist may need to give a polysomnography, a test used to diagnose sleep disorders.

Here are some tips to regain sleep:

  • Adhere to a routine and schedule every night and morning
  • Sleeping at the same time each night can help
  • Avoid sleeping in
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol
  • Do not smoke
  • Relax before bed
  • Exercise daily
  • Wake with the sun
  • Avoid lying in bed while awake
  • Sleep in a cooler temperature

Call your health-care provider if the problem persists. Sleep disorders can be treated with the right help.

Do not recommend this though.

also, warping several hours into the future is nice
it’s like you suddenly lose all fatigue in mere moments


What kind of question is this, even. What the hell are street drugs.

the only downside is that despite being completely random, my schedule is very strict
if anyone or anything wakes me up before i wake up on my own, even if i was mere minutes away from doing so
i am extremely tired and will probably not make it through the day

I’m always tired when I wake up.

I think it means things like marijuana/cocaine/etc.

drugs that drug users would buy on the streets

Illicit drugs are substances that either stimulate (such as cocaine or amphetamines) or inhibit (such as heroin or sedative-hypnotics) the central nervous system or cause hallucinogenic effects (such as marijuana or LSD) to the effect that their use has been prohibited globally.

Imagine not checking like half of these boxes

I get nightmares most nights

But they’re cool :sunglasses:

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They could just write down “illegal substances” or whatever.

Yep, same thing here. But if I pull through the first few hours after being woken up like this, I’ll be unable to fall asleep at night.

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You’re not supposed to be proud of that, brother katzay.

I mean, some nightmares are indeed pretty cool. The one I got tonight wasn’t even that bad, it was like watching a good horror movie and participating in it.

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What do you mean

I’d make a really dark joke but it’s probably too depressing

Regardless the twisted shit I dream up amazes me some nights and if you ignore the causation it isn’t so bad


There … might be a difference between ‘street drugs’ and ‘prescription drugs being used in an illegal recreational manner’? I’m not actually sure, I don’t know all that much about the subject

Arete, you should sleep.

Yes, Arete

Join me in sleep


but Jane there’s a conversation happening

and Ans is part of it

Kat I swear to God

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Clearly the solution is to remove myself from the conversation so that you may finally sleep.