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Well i’ve been evil so infrequently that it’s harder to say
it still feels bad for sure but less so since i’m not the victim

but i’ve randed good at least 90% of my clocktower games so it’s not a good sample size on the evil end of things

idk about fms
but definitely literally any D&D roleplay

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i stay away from the extremely evil deities. It’s never been a notable thing where i’ve played

You are never the victim in any game
It’s a game that people play for fun


This mentality has no point

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when i lose clocktower as good, it feels like im that girl from the constantine lore
it’s incredible pain. I dont think it’s possible to separate the two for me

of course it doesnt
i just feel entirely powerless to separate any mediums that deal with "demon"s directly from the constantine lore

it’s safer for my health to stay away from that game for good
so that’s what im going to do.

My father (the priest) is playing D&D, and he knows that both my main chara and my second main chara are devout devil-worshipper
And he doesn’t mind, he reads/watches a lot of fantasy and science fiction, and has played roleplay himself in his childhood

I acknowledge that this is a true fact about how your mind works but it still confuses me

like, when I play Mafia (as in the alignment), I don’t feel particularly bad about factionally killing people, even though obviously I have strong ethical objections to actually committing murder


this feels like a deeper issue


If you can’t, for any mental health reasons, commit to a game, don’t play

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DUDE she doesnt exist. Shes a fake character to give a comic book guy a reason to kill demons. She is not real, she has 0 connection to wether ur win or lose. And she aint gonna feel bad if u lose. Its like me swearing off playing racing games as FZERO hasnt had one since the gamecube

You aren’t

But I agree with N.1
I felt uncomfortable with BotF flavor as well
It wasn’t a reason to stop me from playing/hosting it, but I never read any flavor of it.

we’re different in that my ethical objections to murder are almost certainly much less than yours

also matters of demonic stuff freak me out infinitely more than death. Death is everywhere.

That’s it
Drill it into your skull

You’re letting your imagination run wild

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This reminds me that i should not co-host purgatory iii

@clonedcheese unless u want to host urself or try to find a new co-host, probs best to nuke the game

you dont think i’ve been trying to tell myself this for years???

it’s not nearly that easy when i’ve experienced 5,000+ hours of constantine media

I agree with arete

I have no real connection to flavor nor do I feel bad for the performance of one side no matter how invested in flavor I might be

because it’s a fake internet game done for fun and isn’t real


Just never read any flavor of it, and you should be fine. Flavor is not an essential part of FM