Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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there were some points when you handled it weirdly, like there was a bit where you were like ‘why is Arete being scumread’ and then someone was like ‘who would you shoot if you had a vig’ and you were like ‘I’d shoot a zero-poster or Arete’ but didn’t have a reason why (like, if your reasoning were ‘because they’re the top wagon so it saves us a lynch’ that would’ve been way less wolfy)

I don’t actually think I’m hard to read, I think most people are bad at reading me, which is slightly different

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Wait wtf

Did I really do that that’s dumb af even for me

Weebs out.

okay I found it

slightly less :eyes: than I remembered it as, but

webs in
if you know what i mean

Cultists out

Like I said before, the day I’m starting wolf will be when everyone wonders what on earth happened.
Wait that doesn’t sound right.


I don’t think compulsive is the right word though?

I thought Katze’s tell was like asking people permission I guess? Like making sure other people agreed with them like how they handled I think it was Eevee in tos

But they stopped doing that so now I am back at square one


Ans I’m sorry for staying up so late

I don’t think that’s a thing I consistently do or a thing I’d only do as scum

You actually have had moderately good reads on me in most games though

Although I don’t know how often you’ve successfully found me as town? But you definitely disliked my slot as scum multiple times

I’d tell you how I ‘read’ you but it’s probably wrong, and on the off-chance I’m right I would be giving you an opportunity to fix it.
So I’ll stay silent.

Really because in ritual I just yeeted you into who knows

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Compiling now btw.

dm me it so I can tell you how right or wrong you are
