Lazy Heirs and Cursed Servants [Interest Check turned Signups] (4/4)

You now have cold, sad soup.

yes, cold, sad soup thats enough to sustain me until i can speak normally


“Throw bad food out kitchen.”

Second command:

“Make me great warm soup.”

not to mention, food that tastes bad would motivate me to improve my physical condition


buzzer sound

Kitchen is way more than 5 letters

they dont like whatever the main ingredient of soup is in their opinion.
now you need them to buy more stuff for soup

I read this as:

they dont like it when the main ingredient of soup is their opinion

An idea is this;

“Swear you will be good.”

never said they had to tell the truth

Or even:
“Swear by the sword you’ll be good to me.”

They gotta now.

they swear on the sword. mwah.
now that they’ve lied, they can be bad to you

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swearing implies truth.
however it is not hard-coded

“Never tell a lie until I say so.”

In any case, simon are you joining?

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anything based on preconceptions, morals, or opinions is doomed to failure.
not being able to lie really isnt much of a limitation

jake, what happens if a task is impossible for the servants to complete.
((this is assuming its still impossible if they have unlimited resources and time))

Then “tell me the truth; will this harm me?”

“Im not sure”

Such as; “go and end your life.”