Lazy Heirs and Cursed Servants [Interest Check turned Signups] (4/4)

well sure, that, but i was more thinking logical impossibilities

“Did you add anything not in chefs book?”

things in one place cooked improperly can become toxic

Give an example.

“Will I get sick if I eat this?”

The servant would first kill their Master, which would be the first main obstacle into ending their life. But as soon as they did, they would no longer be forced to kill themselves as there’s no curse holding them back.

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first im assuming that in a conflict of orders, newer orders supercede older orders.

“make a soup that cant kill me”
this is impossible, as anything could kill them

“Order pizza in under 30 minute.”

i mean for that one, you said nothing of arrival time, only of ordering

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“Make a Soup That won’t kill me.”

I mean, all you would need to do is make a soup that would not kill them.

any soup could kill them.
even a room temperature, pure water soup

For that, do you really think they would want to die?

what i think is irrelevant.
the order is for a soup that cannot kill them, and that soup could

“Make Soup and give it to sis.”

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Just hand them nothing and call it air soup. If they choke on their own saliva, it was not the soup’s fault that they died.

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regardless, it is entirely possible for them to give a one-post order that is logically impossible.
shall we just say that in that scenario the servant merely tells them “i cannot do that, sire”

“Do it anyway.”

If the host (me) decides that they cannot do it, then that option will be available.

Also, the host (me) will lock this option to prevent the prevention.