LoTRFM - Dead Chat

Your pfp is godly btw

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the best way to not be scumread for just how you act, imo, is to just blatantly disregard that for a game or two. people will come around

As long as it doesnt involve acting poorly on purpose as town.

no just for how you act in general. not for your actions

Yeah itā€™s pretty nice.

like how yall scumread me for being the 3rd vote on a wagon that one time, when that wasnt even a thing i considered

Yeah I think one of the problems is that I am concerned as being read as scum as both scum and town

Well ok, I mean, when im town, I also dont care how I act, but as scum I struggle in that regard.

Hopefully I roll town in Aliceā€™s upcoming danganronpa flavoured game so I can get around all this.

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But tbh I donā€™t really think I act differently as town v scum, I just think I act differently every game because I am constantly trying to improve

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Scum is probably the better side to be as a first-time newb.

Now Iā€™m a bit more ready for playing truthfully :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean I have a tendency to defend new players and I thought you were playing so well that you couldnā€™t have been scum

I will attempt to play seriously in DR game, but sometimes hard to do here.

I also thought that until his posts became so good that I thought he can be scum after all. Kinda a paradox.

Issue with newbs is either they end up like this if theyā€™re get used to the game quickly or they end up in a catch-22 because everything they do is compared to the newbscum meta, and itā€™s hard to defend yourself from scumreads/distance convincingly if youā€™re not experienced.

Pretty much fits into the above :slight_smile:

And based on his scum read on Solic I started to think that Solic bussed Kai legit

Iā€™m really not a fan of meta reading newbs openly because of this sort of thing. Sure, it works fairly well, but the newb has no understanding of newbscum/newbtown meta and canā€™t really engage in the discussion at all.

Except Solic flipped town lmao