LoTRFM - Dead Chat

Well ok, I mean, when im town, I also dont care how I act, but as scum I struggle in that regard.

Hopefully I roll town in Alice’s upcoming danganronpa flavoured game so I can get around all this.

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But tbh I don’t really think I act differently as town v scum, I just think I act differently every game because I am constantly trying to improve

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Scum is probably the better side to be as a first-time newb.

Now I’m a bit more ready for playing truthfully :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean I have a tendency to defend new players and I thought you were playing so well that you couldn’t have been scum

I will attempt to play seriously in DR game, but sometimes hard to do here.

I also thought that until his posts became so good that I thought he can be scum after all. Kinda a paradox.

Issue with newbs is either they end up like this if they’re get used to the game quickly or they end up in a catch-22 because everything they do is compared to the newbscum meta, and it’s hard to defend yourself from scumreads/distance convincingly if you’re not experienced.

Pretty much fits into the above :slight_smile:

And based on his scum read on Solic I started to think that Solic bussed Kai legit

I’m really not a fan of meta reading newbs openly because of this sort of thing. Sure, it works fairly well, but the newb has no understanding of newbscum/newbtown meta and can’t really engage in the discussion at all.

Except Solic flipped town lmao

Yeah I know lol. He was in the dead chat and I thought he was scum that could communicate with the dead :upside_down_face:

I think it was funny that you fell for it.

Oh right you’re talking about a week ago or whatever.

Yeah that makes sense :stuck_out_tongue: It was a pretty decent tunnel huh? Too bad we didn’t get to see his reaction to my wall on him.

so yeah idk how hes acted here but theres a good probability imo that blue is town and one of his two hammers was mafia with the cleaning as a hammer passive

Also sorry for scum reading you astand

I mean, everything arete said dead were talking about never happened.

Not your fault probably, I was pissed at the game.