LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

well then just wait around and quickhammer when you can

true power move>

Vote blue
unvote at last second and have someone else try for quickammer
Vote blue again, with hammer

this is what i attempted just now but there are a few seconds when i can’t post after casting my vote

theoretically you could be super sneaky and doublevote someone already voting so blue is suddenly at l-1

fucking power move.

But it’s not worth it to me


ten characters

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Who’s ready for me to die to bleed and end up outing the entire scumteam via association? :upside_down_face:

I am technically a “scum healer”

but then again, it relies on a “ring”

i have an idea
push rivendell d3 and steal the hammer

Depending on how things go I might push Rivendell D3 and ask for the hammer.

Basically I can argue that if the person getting healed is known, the mafia will just never attack that person, so I should get the hammer and free up healers to focus on other people.

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rivendell is our best bet
it’s also a town-sided map because if heals can’t be prevented then it’s almost the opposite of mordor and we’re gonna need that from a town perspective

and arete with hammer is good for us for obv reasons

i still wanna hammer, kill fk, hippo and bluestorm
hippo basically outed as town (and claimed being a vig!) by defending bluestorm i think
unless he misread bluestorm

@Luxy can vul use his skeleton on the same night as his 1-shot kill?

i should be
using my skeleton isn’t an ability

you know what, i’ve been sitting in the thread for a while not actually saying anything
i’ve realized we don’t have a plan

Yes he can

and i’ve also realized our plans to clear dat and to clear kai have both horrendously failed so maybe that’s why we’re not planning anything anymore

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This was the closest thing I had to a plan draft from earlier, obviously some things have changed but I think it’ll work with some modifications.