LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

Right, and Ginger can heal people in his neighborhood but I’m not in his neighborhood.

actually the soft I caught might’ve been a soft about Ginger’s group, since FK is in it

Just had a good idea.

If one of you keeps pushing the idea that Alice coaches me, you can use it as an argument to lynch Blue’s slot. Say something like ‘if set was coached and Blue flips scum then set is probably scum, and if it flips town than set’s probably town’.

Obviously use it in conjunction with other arguments since it’s probably not strong enough to get Blue lynched on its own.

I’m going to vote Andrej since the above argument probably won’t work if I’m on blue’s wagon when they get mislynched.

just FYI you slipped as scum here (“they”)

you can probably salvage this? not sure how though

“It was a reaction test”??? I guess??? don’t really have many ideas here to be honest

I’ll tie it into some bs rl political/philosophical beliefs.

I think your best play here is to act like it’s no big deal and he’s being silly for treating it like it is

I think I’ve done what I can. Doing more would probably look overly defensive.

I’m sure Vulgard will do something with it for towncred when they come back on. I’ll say it’s silly the next time someone mentions it.

Now is a great time to mention that I’d probably be town if blue flips town, if you can manage it. You’re probably the best person to do it since you’ve been townreading me almost all game and discussing the possibility of me being coached.

Arete, that is.

I mentioned it in my earlier why-we-should-lynch-Blue post, I don’t want to look like I’m hammering too hard on it this soon after your slip

Ah, I must have missed that. In that case it’s all g.

@SetToBlow @Marshal

going to need your votes on Blue (or maaaaybe Ici) at some point if they aren’t already

It’s going to look weird if I vote my ‘coach’, unless we’re going to drop that.

That’s true.

Depending on how you do it it could be read as bussing someone who’s obviously going to die anyway.

I’d probably wait and see how things shake out.

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