Low power FOL classes

You realize that it only works on Unseen and Cult and NK?
(which means an automatic guilty on trigger)
You realize that any MM who doesn’t know the Spy can simply not convert?

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Ah yes. That’s actually very true. Didnt think about that

Good idea, and it has the ability I wanted to see from The Enforcer.

Tried to fix spy. What do you say now?

Just reword it to: You have 2 votes in a 1 on 1 unless the other player has the lynch mob or head of state passive

That’s not a rewording…
Currently, Lynch Mob>Head of State in a 1v1.

Then remove the head of state thing.

This is a big no. Neutral Killer just should not be convertable by any means. Leave convert immunes convert immune thanks.

One word. Just make it a night abil

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That’s 6 words

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No shit sherlock



Oh yah that one is fine

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Glad you werent offencive there

Head of State is a power on the King. It is not part of my suggestions.

Yeah ok, I get it. No Neutrals conversion. Maybe this version(I just added)?

Detect Conspiracy is not a Night ability because it is designed to conflict with the other day ability. I will clarify something, however.
Nevermind it makes it too powerful. Changed, and added a passive.

This is so long just say that it wins 1v1s

Commoner is really useless though. . . Literally a slightly buffed citizen

Commoner is not useless.
Its opponents cannot risk a 1v1 against it; it wins even against an Evil King or Neutral Killer.
Yet when it is killed too early it might cause harm to evils.
It’s night ability might not seem that powerful, but forcing an extra trial on someone right at the start of the day can be quite powerful, although it is only as good as its user - randomly used, it is terrible. And it gives them something to do every night, which makes it more interesting.

Inb4 on the prince with EK.

10/10 would do again

You better were the Peasant, then…
Randomly used, it IS terrible.


Like that example it’s funny. But bad.