Arete is a nerd
I happen to be one too
On-request poetry
I will be an uncooperative as possible
Arete is a nerd
I happen to be one too
On-request poetry
I will be an uncooperative as possible
Do not post this poem;
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Marshal punishes poets,
And that is true.
Please write a sestina on why faking redchecks on other townies as town is bad and you shouldn’t do it
Now i have to apologize to Arete
i made a mistake, it is what it Is
I should not have done this
and i learned a lesson that is heard around forums
a test that might seem like the best and biggest
that actually makes you a Nerd
Now why does this make you a nerd
And what did i do to arete
What did i do to the nerd who is biggest?
i’ll tell you what it is
I faked that i was told by the forums
That arete was wolf, and i said this
Now why marshal why would you do this
If you are wrong you’ll look by a nerd
Well faking a peek from the forums
Is never well thought-out(sorry arete)
I mean really, it never is.
It’s a hair brained plan from a child or man who wants to be praised the biggest
Now out of mistakes my plan was one of the biggest
I now know that i really shouldn’t do this
I know the travesty faking red checks is
And i won’t make that mistake again like a nerd
All thanks to poor punching bag that was arete
And the disappointed voices of the players of the forums
I will take this knowledge to other forums
In my search to be the best and the biggest
All thanks to the poor punching bag that was arete
I will advise others not to do this
To not look like a fool or a nerd
And what a proper reactiontest is
Now many wonder what a sestina is you go forums)
Writing this made me feel like a nerd
But with arete around i’ll never be the biggest
You have no idea how much i hated this
kindly go fuck yourself @Arete
Now idk wtf an envoi is
it’s a line(but clearly not the biggest)
But im done and i like how i ended so im going to unsatisfyingly break the foramat hehe
I’m glad to see you’ve finally accepted yourself
Everyone at the surrounding tables is probably confused about why I just burst out into a fit if laughter
my parents are probably confused why im crying a broken man after having to write poetry for an internet stranger
wheres my sonnet bitch boy
its coming bitch girl
however iambic pentameter is off the table
then its not a realsonnet
iambic pentameter or i expose your toe pics
goddamnit its so fucking hard
i can’t do this reeeeeeeeee
Poem about beans
Marshal you know Latin right