MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

I won’t do it again then

Choice Voters
Accept Whammerist, MaximusPrime, PoisonedSquid, Memesky, Hippolytus
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send me your actions in PM.

@Whammerist @PoisonedSquid

Please don’t hammer nodes at majority wtf
Seeing if people deny or not is a really big deal

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The Node was secured!

No hackers detected!

@PoisonedSquid now you’re up. In the Nod team can be only 3 people. You have only an hour.


the nod

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(Watching this game is making me want to nod off.)

I’ll propose Maximus, Celeste, and Memesky

You should have added yourself

Node Team is @MaximusPrime @Margaret and @Memesky ! Accept or refuse in PM.

I didn’t know I can get added twice


This isn’t Secret Hitler, read the rules pl0x

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Playing sad violin music

I literally just
The first thing I fucking said this game

splutters with a surprisingly high voice

y’know what buddy


(Pls no hurt)

that is not how fm works tw1

Well it is now /shrug