MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

except for the fact i’m the actual da and want to get into 3 nodes you fucking rocknobbler

Just fucking accept this or the next one, I’m just about done with this shit

Just okay Whamm think u need therapy

Never! Im gonna deny both unless im on the node


*drinking a tea in peace :tea:

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The fact that Whamm and Boxxy went silence is proof that I can make them win. We’ve proven that deny doesnt need majority but just the same amount as the other team.

Town doesnt want me to win so why let them win?

where did I even
are you alright


So you admit we’re town?



I’m joking.

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Didnt see that /s so I was like ok

i am accepting hippo’s prop when it comes out
99.99% of the time

why you would ever fakeclaim DA is mindblowing lol

Because Celeste is the embodiment of the fake-claim.

But but im not fakeclaiming

Yes you are

:woman_facepalming: Hey Squido, fite me l8r