MINDNIGHT - FM Edition Hippo technically wins!

We know, yall were too occupied with me that yall didnt notice hippo :wink:

i knew it was hippo… the rest didn’t tho

I had a feeling, but Meme’s timing was horrible.

celeste you were actually so garbage lol

What game is this again?

Oh the game I did my job in but only my hacking partner would understand

you literally didn’t hack a single node for anyone
the only node you hacked I also hacked and it just outted you lel

who’s picking?

The Node Team was already picked. The team is Celeste and Hippo.


Twi would never choose the same people as hackers

no, you need to put me in it this time ffs

also i hate hippo for convincing idiot town that i’m hacker for no reason

YOU HAD NO PROOF I WAS HACKER (and guess what i wasn’t wow what a surprise)

it was 50/50. i chose u over marl to fight
cuz I knew you’d give up quicker

Choice Voters
Accept Whammerist, CaptainNerbins, PoisonedSquid, Hippolytus Celeste_Ludenberg
Refuse MaximusPrime
Abstainers The rest

Team was accepted. Send your actions in PM.

@Margaret @Hippolytus

i hate arguing pointlessly cause they never believe me

everyone thinks i’m automatically confirmed scum whenever i get the slightest push on me cause of my saltiness for some stupid reason

Errr Twi, could u uhh auto-secure if both of us are agents

Dont really see a point in waiting

noone even suspected u it was 50/50

but what if you are secretly a hacker again or da :thinking:

I didn’t even defend myself that well I just didn’t say anything and abstained on the votes and let you dig a hole.